The : "Suggest an Amplifier Head and Cabinet" Thread


May 14, 2008
Hey, I was searching and researching through the forum for amp heads and cabinets and realised that the threads were too far between, including opinions and experiences etc etc.

So how about anyone who feels like suggesting a Head (Guitar or Bass) and a Cabinet which he/she found amazing or interesting tell us the name and maybe some sound samples if you feel its necessary?

I think that it would be a great help for gear newbs such as I who struggle to make heads or tails without any proper help and can't find the right place to look and also people who are interested in buying new gear.

Instead of rummaging around sites and threads insite the Sneap Forum for opinions maybe it would be cool to have a list here since many people ask about heads and cabs often.

Till now the ones that convinced me the most are:



Engl Powerball
Engl Savage
Peavy 6505
Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier



Ampeg SVT-4 Pro

I based my opinion on rough sound samples on youtube, reviews and comments so I can't say its first hand experience.

Regarding cabinets I have no idea.
Suggest something then please, I'm sure many people would like to know other alternatives to research and look up, especially from guitar techs.

And cabinets, I'm sure there are a selection of good cabinets that are unknown to some.
Engl Savage
Peavey 6505
Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier

Good heads, cabs...have a look at ENGL vintage, Framus Dragon, Mesa Recto cabs, Orange.
Don't rule out the Mesa Stiletto/Traditional (same thing) cab either; personally I'm not that big of a fan of the Boogie oversized, judging by a lot of the recordings I've heard of them; I find them to be too "rumbly" (not oppressively woofy, just this deep thunder that sounds fucking ballsy as all hell in the room but I don't really like recorded) and as a result comparitively lacking in the upper mid kinda "crunch" that I really like (Opeth's "Ghost Reveries" is one of my favorite tones of all time, to give a reference, and I HIGHLY doubt that kinda sound could come from a Recto cab). Also, I recently started a thread asking about the two, and Guitarhack posted a comparo that Matt Smith had made between a Recto and Traditional cab, and I really preferred the Traditional.

That said, all of this really has been covered A LOT - I hate to say it, but you really should search more dude, and if you have a hard time with it, the responsibility really is on you to figure out how to search better (for example, find out about an amp/cab, then search for that particular amp/cab, rather than just looking for comparison threads).
That said, all of this really has been covered A LOT - I hate to say it, but you really should search more dude, and if you have a hard time with it, the responsibility really is on you to figure out how to search better (for example, find out about an amp/cab, then search for that particular amp/cab, rather than just looking for comparison threads).

Thing is I'm not looking for comparison threads. I only thought this would be good since there are people who have gear which is still underground and no one has asked for or even heard about. For simplicity's sake, a thread with a compilation of gear which has been found good, however popular it is, will privilege anyone, and it doesn't require a whole review. Just a name will suffice.

The point is, give a name of a brand which has suited you and if it appeals to someone he can research it. But some things are just unsearchable because of their lack of publicity outside their central field. I learnt alot since I've been here, and am still learning (and I am sure that I will never stop learning), and I have enjoyed searching but the things which have intrigued me the most were buried inside other threads and its a shame.

I'm sure it doesn't take much to write down a name of a cab or head you like, for the common good of the community. It's true you can say, "we've covered this a million times", but new people coming on might not know that or even were to start from as I was. Whats so wrong with simplifying everything if it doesn't take much time from anyone?

However, I do understand if some of the oldies on this site find it frustrating to find a newb starting a thread which involved things which have been discussed over and over. But in my opinion, to make life easier for anyone is always a step forward.

(for example, find out about an amp/cab, then search for that particular amp/cab, rather than just looking for comparison threads).

I don't know how you started off, maybe being a guitarist helped you out in your salad days, but I'm sorry to say that for people who aren't guitarists, where to start is a problem in itself. Where I live, Marshall and Laney are the only main guitar amplifiers. What am I to do? Search for Marshall and Laney all my life until I stumble on something? Sure, I can do that, but it will take me (and anyone else who is like me), much longer to compile information and make a decision. And don't forget, because of geographical restrictions, I cannot go to a shop and try out a head, all I rely on is a stranger's input. I thought that with pinpointing a place so anyone who searches: Guitar head or Cabinet, can find the right place for all the information, THEN research where he requires. It would be much easier to search, and I'm sure many will benefit from it in the long run.
brands of guitar amp for metal or rock/indie that i know (there are many more)

diamond amps
Mesa Boggie
Hughes & Kettner
line 6
I never see anyone mention Avatar cabs. Price-wise, they are cheaper than other options, yet they have gotten fantastic reviews everywhere I have seen. I will be getting an Avatar 4X12
I never see anyone mention Avatar cabs. Price-wise, they are cheaper than other options, yet they have gotten fantastic reviews everywhere I have seen. I will be getting an Avatar 4X12

I've got a metal grille slant Avatar with CL80s I'm trying to get rid of. It sounds great but I want to do the 212 thing. Send me a message if you're interested
actofvengence, thanks for the nice list you provided the thread.

ParsonsMatt, what is this 212 thing you have mentioned?
ParsonsMatt, what is this 212 thing you have mentioned?

He means a 2x12 cab, rather than a big ol' 4x12 - however, one thing that often gets recommended when talk turns to 2x12's is the Bogner oversized, but I can safely say as a former owner that it SUCKS for recording - really fizzy/"clangy" in the upper mids (I had the closed back with V30s), regardless of amp or guitar choice (I tried a few through it). And another guy on here, Sly, owned one, and clips he posted that he had recorded with it had the same nasty sound that mine did. So it's great for live, I guess, cuz it does sound uncharacteristically big for a 2x12 (cuz it IS uncharacteristically big for a 2x12 ;) ) and the bass is huge but tight - however, for recording high-gain stuff, avoid avoid avoid.

And Actofvengeance, good list indeed, though I'd eliminate Roland, Line 6, Rocktron, Vox and Fender cuz they're not in the same league for hi-gain tones as the others, and I don't know anything about Rivera or Koch, and I've really never heard anything good about Hughes & Kettner heads for hi-gain stuff.
I've got a metal grille slant Avatar with CL80s I'm trying to get rid of. It sounds great but I want to do the 212 thing. Send me a message if you're interested

Thanks for the offer, but I'm pretty much decided on a 4X12 with 2 V30s and 2 G12T-75s

Maybe sounding like a Marshall/Mesa hybrid? lol