Hi! I'm new here and I'm looking buy a new head. I love the rock modern, hard rock, rock/metal. I want a head that can give me:
In the clean channel: much headroom (I not like rupture in a clean channel) and good tone.
In distortion: a good distortion, a sound articulate, with much definition in the tone and when I do a open chord (love this) , much low end, and a fluid sound not mired like a soldano SLO and a good tone of course.
I not need this head to play in home, I have a head to this (play in my home), I need a head to play in big concerts (1500-2000 persons).
My current gear is:
-PRS Custom 24 made in USA.
-Mesa Boogie Rectifier Traditional 4x12" with v30.
-Some Pedals.
For this reason, I need a head that combine with my gear and my needs.
My budget is of 1100$ USD. I think buy this in USA (via online), but I not live in USA, I not can test the amp. I not want a used head, only want heads in new condition or mint condition.
With all this, what head you recommend me?
If you need more information to that you can answer me better, no doubt in ask
In the clean channel: much headroom (I not like rupture in a clean channel) and good tone.
In distortion: a good distortion, a sound articulate, with much definition in the tone and when I do a open chord (love this) , much low end, and a fluid sound not mired like a soldano SLO and a good tone of course.
I not need this head to play in home, I have a head to this (play in my home), I need a head to play in big concerts (1500-2000 persons).
My current gear is:
-PRS Custom 24 made in USA.
-Mesa Boogie Rectifier Traditional 4x12" with v30.
-Some Pedals.
For this reason, I need a head that combine with my gear and my needs.
My budget is of 1100$ USD. I think buy this in USA (via online), but I not live in USA, I not can test the amp. I not want a used head, only want heads in new condition or mint condition.
With all this, what head you recommend me?

If you need more information to that you can answer me better, no doubt in ask