Recommendation for 2X10 (or 2X10) Cabinet


New Metal Member
May 30, 2011
Hey all:

While playing at home, I play through a Bugera V22 (clean channel is sweet and translates pedal effects well) that I really love. Recently I picked up the sweetest distortion pedal that I have ever owned, but it has a "scoop" feature that seriously boosts the bass and I don't want to pop the Bugera speaker. AND I love the mid/high boost, so I want to continue to play with it enabled.

I'd like to add on a cabinet so I can avoid turning the bass way down and sacrificing precious tone. I've always been a person who uses stock speakers in amps and cabinets, so I wouldn't REALLY know if I was getting something that was what I was looking for (except the obvious brands).

I see plenty of Boogie 2X12 cabinets out there for big money, but I don't need anything sweet... just something that sounds decent and will protect my combo Bugera. I found a Bugera 4X12 on CL, but i already have 4X12 cabinets and they're too big for what I need. I found an Engl 2X12, but it's a little more pricey than i want to spend.

Any opinions would help. Thanks.

(Sorry for the hosed up post title. Should have read "2x10 or 2x12" ... long freakin' day)
i own a Orange PPC212.

I did a lot of research before buying mine, and i know it depends on what you want and but a lot of people on forums say that the mesa doesn't have enough low end and that its nothing compared to their 4X12 cabs (even though Ola gets great sounds out of his 2x12 cab) so i stayed away from that.

My cab sounds really fat and very clear in the mid range, it has v30's on it, so you'd kind of know what you can expect, it's also a 13ply so it's heavy and big and sounds much more like a regular 4x12 cab.

I have also heard great things about the Bogner 2x12 cab. It's also oversized and everyone says it is as close as you can get to a 4x12 cab. I was gonna get that, but Sweetwater had them backorder for longer than they usually say on their i ended up buying the Orange and i really love everything about it.

A GREAT GREAT inexpensive cab that i would recommend would be the Avatar. they are great, sound great and look cool, and you can even customize it by selecting the Tolex and speakers on it. so....there you have it. i hope it helps
This is great info, thanks very much! Since this is just my home rig, I am not going to go all out... just want my tone and don't want to damage any gear. Of course, it's going to HAVE to sound as good as the Bugera...
Thanks again!