Another head or cab?


May 16, 2007
Ok i have the cash to get another head (maybe bugera 6260 or 333) but i only have a shit quad. I plan to most probably record with mainly impulses (quieter).

So what do you think a 2x12 box or another bugera amp (which one?)

Also is it worth putting v30 into a behringer cab?

Forgot to mention i can get a Framus 2x12 v30 for $600 or a avatar 2x12 for $800.
So one of these of another head?

I just bought a Mint Condition Mesa Recto 4x12 with V30's on Craigslist for $550.

Pay $600 or $800 for 2x12's seems a bit much compaired to that.

I see Mesa's going for the $400-$600 range all the time.

And you know they are good cuz everyone on this forum swears by them not too mention Andy uses them constantly and James Murphy's recent posts sounded awesome.

I wouldnt bother worrying about putting V30's in a Bugera Cab.

Not too mention I paid $550 for my Peavey XXX and $580 for my Mint original 5150 both on Craigslist.

You could pay the same price for a new Bugera or you could keep your eye open for a good buy like that.

I put V30's in my 1960B Marshall 4x12 Cab and it still doesnt sound as good as a properly built cab like Mesa, Engl, Orange and a few others.
Yeah that makes better sense.

I was wondering what area you were in since I didn't see one listed under your name.

You need to be like Andy and pick up gear next time you visit the USA.

Much cheaper to check it as extra baggage.
