
Sep 2, 2001
knowing that i have all F for my grade and have my christmas off. my dad make me do his education work. hard as hell. they have word like nostalgia. some guy one crack made that up. and after christmas break he gonna take computer away from me. on the 25th parent was bitching at me to go to sleep. it's a law to stay up late on christmas. and yesterday i woke up my and went to the toilet, my urine was orange-red. now it;s orange-pink. i thought i was peeing blood. maybe my penis is internally bleeding. i hope i survive. other than that i'm doing good. must consume most time as possible before school start. damn icq, they send me porn ads every 10minutes. why the hell isn't the music for this game working. fuck! fuck! fuck!
maybe my eye change, i don't know. as for school, first, parent don't care. only grade matter, if i get all A they say good or not tell me they got my grade. if i get F they get ready to beat me and threaten to kill me. there is no entertainment in the apartment, cable tv gone too. apartment in a poor white neighborhood, once a year you see a guy carrying gun and cop chasing him. summer they turn on rap loud as hell. in winter, cold as fuck. if turn on heat too much, all electric shut down. as for non-poor they're all selfish and gay. when cold can't study so get bad grades. boring, friend house is 2.5mile away can't walk that far. so spend time on computer and 1hours=1second. i wrote 1999 on my paper in school oneday when it's suppose to be 2001.
what the fuck is a gothical teen bopper?
Why do so many think it's all about the grades?

For me - I ask my kids one thing about school - I tell them to look at themselves in the mirror. They need to ask themselves if they put in the best effort that they could - and only THEY can answer that question - not me or my wife. If they say they're operating at their best - then I say great no matter what the grade. If they say anything less - I tell them they should work harder. I could give a shit about the grades - that doesn't make the person [IMO]

The grades are gravy to the effort.
Originally posted by metalmancpa
Why do so many think it's all about the grades?

For me - I ask my kids one thing about school - I tell them to look at themselves in the mirror. They need to ask themselves if they put in the best effort that they could - and only THEY can answer that question - not me or my wife. If they say they're operating at their best - then I say great no matter what the grade. If they say anything less - I tell them they should work harder. I could give a shit about the grades - that doesn't make the person [IMO]

The grades are gravy to the effort.

Wow. You're the first parent I've ever seen with that outlook on grades. When I was growing up my parents put two tons of pressure on me to get good grades and stuff. If I got less than good grades I'd fear I'd be lynched.

Funny thing is, one day I just gave up and dropped out of school. My parents never forgave me, but I don't care.
One thing I don't understand is why everyone equates intelligance with academic achievements? Intelligance is a LOT more than simply knowing trivial facts, though knowing those facts help if you're planning on making a living in a particular field.

I am a very intelligant person, but a lot of people think I'm dumb because I don't know a damn thing about chemistry, or don't know the exact details of the Spanish Inquisition. Intelligance is an almost sublimely different entity from trivia.

If I need to know something or am interested in it I research and study it, but those studies can't and don't increase my IQ.
i read about 2 book in my life, but when it come to something i am interest in i spend hour reading it. like one time i spend 4 hours reading stuff online
stuff i am interest in doesn't help me with getting money though. good grade and you finish college and then desk job. so damn boring. you have to master in communicate and shit to get good paid. i can only communicate well using the mind.
those mad money making thing on tv and ads are fake. but i done lot of research. some that is probably real, gotta try it when i'm 18.