Batman arkham asylum

Demo is awesome, full game looks epic in scope and people have told me its like Bioshock in structure, good enough for me.
Shame about Mark Hammil voicing the joker though, I was never too keen on him, and considering it's based off a certain psychadelic graphic novel of the same name, which had the most terrifying rendition of the Joker EVER, BAR FUCKING NONE, Hammil's a bit of a dissapointment.


picture of the aforementioned version of the joker
It's about time a decent game came out this year. I guess now's the season. Pre-christmas releases ahoy...

Still hanging for Diablo 3, KOTOR Online and Storm of War as the ones to really sink some time into.
Eh...not big on the monsters. I really dislike it when a game tries to be as realistic as possible, then they throw in monsters. :(

But personally I dig Mark Hammil as the joker any day!
Never been a fan of Batman or any comic book stuff tbh, especially games, but it's gotten seriously rave reviews, so I'm thinking of picking it up! (especially because they mentioned it had great replay value, which makes it worth actually spending $60 on, rather than say, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, which apparently was great but didn't give you much reason for repeated playthroughs)
Eh...not big on the monsters. I really dislike it when a game tries to be as realistic as possible, then they throw in monsters. :(

But personally I dig Mark Hammil as the joker any day!

It's trying to be realistic? Bulll shiiiiiit
It's trying to be realistic? Bulll shiiiiiit

Yeah dude, totally realistic. Because a dude in a costume with lots of gadgets fighting crime and villains is commonplace in real life :rolleyes:


My friend was playing this a while ago when it came out, looked pretty cool. Cool enough for me to sit there and watch him play for over an hour without realizing it. I give it a thumbs up.
its a great game but i'd say don't expect longevity, i completed it in a day on regular difficulty and managed to find all the secrets
(and i should also point out i don't consider myself to be particularly good at beat em ups or stealth action games haha)
i don't regret paying full price for it though.

also i wouldn't say it was aiming at realism, its just gritty and dark.
I thought they did a good job at recreating the comic book/cartoon style of batman not Christian Bale's voice *mufflerrrmuffle Where's joker mufflerrrmuffle*

It's cool when you knock goons out, you can see they're still breathing after getting beaten down. Because Batman doesn't kill anyone :p