Batman V Superman

Talking Backwards

Senior Citizen
Oct 5, 2009
Zack Synder makes yet another mediocre film. Who would have thought?
The only films that he's done that I thought were actually any good were Watchmen and the Dawn of the Dead remake. The rest have been 100% style over substance of any kind, and this is no different. As bad as Man of Steel was, this is somehow worse.
I called this from the beginning but the fanboys were having none of it. Batman vs. Superman is such a stupid premise to begin with, I dunno what people were expecting.
Well, they did fight in the comics, so it's not that far fetched. The problem isn't that. It's that the screenplay is hot trash, and so is the director. He should have been blacklisted after Sucker Punch. Snyder is basically Uwe Boll 2.0.

But that won't happen until the public at large wakes up to his crap. Right now, the movie is raking in the cash, and had a huge opening. Which is expected, because a) it's riding off of the success of the vastly superior (like them or not) Marvel movies, b) the public at large loves Marvel movies and assumes every $$$$$ superhero movie is going to be about as good and c) most people don't read movie reviews and simply go off of advertising.

Oh, and yeah. It's a movie with both Batman, and Superman. So it's gotta be good in some way right?! I fully expect Suicide Squad to be just as bad too. Although it doesn't have Snyder, so it might actually break the 50% aggregate.
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I just can't buy into it after what they established in 'Man of Steel.' Basically Superman is impervious to any damage by his own kind. How can Batman, who is clearly established as a mere mortal with no superpowers ala Spider Man, hold his own against someone you can't even scratch if you drop a train car on him?

From everything I hear, Wonder Woman steals the show and more or less saves the whole mess.

And Zack is no Boll. "300" was fun.
That's why I think the entire premise is fucking retarded, and I don't care if it's a film adaptation of the comic. It's retarded. Unless Batman has kryptonite everything in his arsenal, it's just a bunch of jerking off over who loves Batman more.

This is my take on superheroes: as long as Star Wars exists, who cares?
That's why I think the entire premise is fucking retarded, and I don't care if it's a film adaptation of the comic. It's retarded. Unless Batman has kryptonite everything in his arsenal, it's just a bunch of jerking off over who loves Batman more.

This is my take on superheroes: as long as Star Wars exists, who cares?

People that grew up with them? Anyway, it's not like there's a new Star Wars film annually, or even every decade yet.

And Zack is no Boll. "300" was fun.

Seemed to be a huge hit with the millenials. I fell asleep at different points both times I watched it. It just looked like a ridiculous MTV video most of the time, and most of the gore looked CGI and ridiculous.

Plus, that wolf...
I just saw it today...the first hour and a half of the movie is a waste of time. It's poorly written and poorly thought-out. I was expecting it to be something like a bad Watchmen, where there's a whole lot of story but no superhero stuff. There's actually zero story and very little superhero stuff, to the point where I would have loved for it to be more thematic than try to salvage this piece of shit as a superhero movie. The last hour was entertaining, however.
How so? The theme of Batman vs Superman IS retarded, imo, and the only thing more retarded is how they did it in this film. There were so many things just glossed over and disconnected that for a second I thought I was watching the last two seasons of Battlestar Galactica.

The last hour of it was quite impressive and enjoyable, which was my favorite part of the film. BvsS was like a television miniseries being shown all at once, focusing on all the wrong aspects of the story (DOES ANYONE ON THIS FUCKING PLANET *NOT* KNOW BATMAN'S BACKSTORY? HOW MANY TIMES MUST WE RE-VISIT THIS SHIT?) and not enough paid attention to character development or writing.

If this film were sex, it would be an hour and a half of a naked woman in your bed telling you all the things she's going to let you do to her, only to give you a hand job. The end is satisfying, yes, but you would've liked to have reached that point an entirely different way.
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I just mean the comment about who cares about superhero movies when Star Wars exists. To me that seemed like you were just apathetic in general about them, and then you went to see a superhero movie directly after.
Must have been ultra bored. :)

And hey, BSG might have had some weak seasons, but at least none of them were written or directed by Snyder! Also, your description of the movie sounds somewhat similar to how I described Heroes before. It's like watching this trailer that leads you to believe something awesome will happen, but rarely ever does. You watch each espisode expecting a decent payoff, only to have to wait until the next one--forever.
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Must have been ultra bored.

I was. I had no intention of going, and after poking fun at my friends for blowing it up and still denying how terrible it was after all the reviews agreed it's just a bad movie, they mentioned on Friday that they were going to see the original language showing, so we all decided to go to the original language showing at 11 am on Sunday morning altogether. I wanted to see it for myself.

As we were scarfing down McDonald's afterwards (it's sort of a ritual...we don't eat junk food very often so we make it a point to do so when we all get the chance to hang out together) and discussing the movie, I just couldn't bring myself to like the movie. My friend loved it and she still teases me about being such a critic, but I saw it and literally only enjoyed the last hour of the movie. My wife almost walked out halfway through and was actually pissed off at how bad it was. I had no plans on seeing it before stumbling across it on Sky six months from now and watching it, but I went ahead and saw it out of curiosity because even bad movies with friends can be a good time. I should've stayed home. The double cheeseburger value meal was the best thing about that day, aside from the company.

Oh no! The movie is most likely only going to gross $900 million

Of course it is, it's Batman! It could be two hours of him trying to shit in a swinging jug and missing and it would still make tons of money. This is why I've been ambivalent about all superhero movies since the second Batman; they're just not that great after Batman Returns. The Amazing Spiderman isn't amazing. The Fantastic Four isn't fantastic. X-men isn't very exciting. Thor was boring. The Avengers was simply decent. Superman was terrible. Even Deadpool wasn't all that it was cracked up to be, though I did enjoy it. In fact, the only Marvel movies I've enjoyed were Ironman, Deadpool, and Guardians of the Galaxy, and that's because they're rather niche superhero movies when they came out. Superhero movies are supposed to be super and they're not. Superhero movies are to film what The Division is to video games. It's like going to an Yngwie Malmsteen concert. It's like watching Castle while you wait for House of Cards, or like watching the original Battlestar Galactica instead of the new one.

I just can't get into the nerd-talk with superheroes because as long as Star Wars is around, for me it's like, "Who cares about anything else?"
I think I have to mostly agree here. I didn't actually dislike any of the Marvel movies aside from Iron Man 2, but I didn't find any of them to be really memorable other than Iron Man, Guadrians of the Galaxy, Winter Soldier and Deadpool. The rest were decent while watching them at the theater, but none of the rest were so good that I felt like I really wanted to rewatch them. The only non Marvel movies I've cared about at all would be X-Men: First Class and Days of Future Past more recently.

All of the Spiderman movies after Spider-Man 2 have sucked; I actually didn't like Batman Returns as much as the rest did for whatever reason, because I thought Penguin just ruined it (Cat Woman was great, but she can't make up for his crap), and once the Nolam films arrived (first two anyway), I couldn't really stand the first Burton Batman movie due to Nicholsons ridiculous take on Joker. I never liked his portrayal to begin with, but in hindsight it was just flat out bad and only for the money.

I am looking forward to X-Men: Apocalypse and Captain America: Civil War however, although the latter has the potential to be another Spider-Man 3.
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Really? You didn't like Nicholson as The Joker? I can see why, though, especially if you're a huge Batman fan. I mean, he is totally not The Joker. But his performance turned Joker into something that it wasn't, but in a good way, imo.

I think the problem with Batman Returns is that it was so bleak and morbid, even bordering on gruesome, what with the whole "blood squirting out of my nose" scene. It was a bit too much on the nose, forgive the pun. However, I still think Burton's Batman, even though it drastically changed from what it originally was, helped it along and made it a grownup movie. I love the colors and cinematography in it, very bright colors contrasted with gloomy black. I think Tim Burton directed a Tim Burton movie and it just happened to have Batman in it, and I like that. I always thought Batman was a lame superhero before that film.
I'll admit to being a bit of a Marvel Studios whore (I fuckin loved Iron Man 3 and Avengers 2) but for some reason I can't completely explain I never much cared for DC universe stuff, with the exception of Man of Steel (which I seem to be in the minority of liking it) and of course Nolan's Dark Knight. I really had very little motivation to see BvS, and after the reviews, even less so.

Kinda want to see Suicide Squad for Margot Robbie as Harley.
I just rewatched Deadpool for the first time, and it was even better than my initial viewing. Partially because when I watched it at the theater, it was packed, depsite it being on a Tuesday. The guy sitting beside me too wouldn't stop nervously bouncing his knee up and down for the entire fucking movie, which was also basically causing my seat to vibrate the entire time. Another reason is because I was able to hear a few more lines of dialogue that I somehow missed, as well as hearing some of the music better.

Can't say it's perfect, becuase there's plenty that could easily be criticized, and also a handful of goofs, but overall it's just great. I've also always been a fan of Ryan Reynolds (which I'm sure some of you will remember from when Green Lantern was announced...), and I feel that he unjustly got shit on a lot as the reason many movies were either finanical, or critical failures. He's definitely not the best actor ever or anything, and I'd argue that he's maybe not even that great, but he's definitely not bad. You can see he's got some acting chops too in movies like Buried, Adventureland, The Voices or The Nines. He's also extremely charismatic. He's just been in a whole lot of really shitty movies that wouldn't have really been saved by some other actor.

Regardless, it seems like Deadpool was the character he was born to play. It's like watching Ryan Reynolds playing himself. Yeah, he already had a shot once before, but both the script and dialogue were fucking awful, so it's not like he actually had much to work with. Can you even think of anyone else would would have knocked it out of the park like he did in this film?

Side note: anyone excited about the new Avengers movie, Civil War?

I'll admit to being a bit of a Marvel Studios whore (I fuckin loved Iron Man 3 and Avengers 2) but for some reason I can't completely explain I never much cared for DC universe stuff, with the exception of Man of Steel (which I seem to be in the minority of liking it) and of course Nolan's Dark Knight. I really had very little motivation to see BvS, and after the reviews, even less so.

I grew up reading comic books (ended up with close to 10,000 at one point), but I never could really get into DC either. I found the Marvel characters to not only look more interesting (aside from Batman), but the character development, themes and stories for the most part were just more interesting to me. I think the biggest reason is because despite having such inhuman abilities, Marvel tried to make their characters feel relatable, and human. DC has too many "god-like" characters that also focus very little on the mundane, real world problems most people face. Batman is probably their most relatable character (despite being a billionaire). I find that with the movies, it's pretty much the same thing, on top of having the additional roadblocks of good directors and screenplays.

I don't know why, but it seems like the Marvel (characters, not specifically studio) movies, with the exception of the more recent Spider-Man are just overall a much higher quality than any DC related movie, aside from the first two Nolan films as well as the first two Superman films. It could be argued that if not for those DC films (as well as giving Burton much credit for revitalizing the genre and renewing interest in it, if only briefly until it was ruined again) that we wouldn't be where we are now. Iron Man seemed to be the start of the more recent comic book movie explosion, but it probably wouldn't have even been considered if not for Batman Begins.

Right now it's a great time to be a geek. I always wanted more good comic book movies, and I also always wanted more good Star Wars movies. Never thought I'd see not only the quantity we have right now, but the quality too.
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