Battery 3 Issue =\


Nov 30, 2007
Dayton, Ohio
Okay, so I'm setting up battery 3 to spit out some of my own samples. I have all of my cells set up, set condition 1 to random, learned all of the cells but, for some reason, it's not firing correctly. It's showing me that it's receiving midi data via the little thing up by the faders in the top right, but my cells aren't lighting up or spitting out samples all of the time. It seems really random, really. My cpu isn't even pushing 4%, so I don't think that's the issue. Maybe Battery just hates Windows 7? I'd really like to use some samples I took, but I don't want the messiness of replacing programmed drums. Any thoughts, guys?
If you are using Cubase, and the Random Position thing on the MIDI track, that can be your problem.
I had the same problem, and the cause was that.
hmm.. it seems like after about 2 1/2 beats it stops registering my hits, too. The random problem only seems to happen once I get past using 12 cells. It works perfectly until I chance condition 1 to random. I have the rows filled in completely, so it's not just triggering an empty cell. I'm using the demo version at the moment, if that makes a difference. This problem is the only thing stopping me from buying Battery, at the moment.
So I just tried loading it into a session and transferring the midi.. It seemed to be doing okay for a little bit, but then it started to miss notes again. This is incredibly frustrating.
heyy! i also try to figure out the same thing in Battery. empty cells are also in the cycle.... annoying :/ i know i should RTFM. i searched it, but i didn't find it :/

so for example if i have 5 crack hits, 8 hard, 8 medium ,10 soft then the Battery plays the empty cells in the matrix.

each row is a "layer" for example crack hits only.
each pad is a sample. (in this case 10 pads in each row, cause it's a matrix)

how can i switch the empty cells off?
it's a matrix so i can't delete them because the biggest number is 10 in this case, so what should i do?

please help me out guys, i'm almost done with this thing :)

thank you so much!