Battle of Middle Earth: Summoning vs. Blind Guardian

Tolkien Victory

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Tranquillian said:
Let mortal heroes sing your fame is their best album. Listen to it and you ARE in middle-earth. I have high hopes for the next album which will be a concept album based on the Silmarillion.

Silmarillion was a good read, that should be interesting! I don't think I ever listened to Mortal Heroes 'cause it didn't have an LOTR title. Better give 'er a shot after all. My favourite is Minas Morgul, but that's cause it's the one I've heard by far the most.
You know, other than 2 or 3 songs, LMHSYF didn't do much for me, especailly after the awesome Stronghold. The last song on LMHSYF, however, is one of my favorites.

here's my ranking because I feel like ranking them even though you don't care but I do so OMG STFU:

1. Minas Morgul
2. Stronghold
3. Nightshade Forests
4. Dol Guldur
5. Let Mortal Heroes SIng Your Fame
6. Lugburz

I'm not counting that little EP thing. In regards to Lugburz, I'd probably like it more if it were by a different band, but everything after it simply overshadows it by a long shot.

I've only heard Somewhere Far Beyond by Blind Guardian, and other than some cool folk moments, it was cock-in-the-ass gay.
Demonspell said:
I think I got tired of power metal after realizing that no album in that genre would ever top Imaginations.
there are tons of power metal albums better than Imaginations From The Other Side. Look to your country's scene for starters
Anyway about poll question: BLIND GUARDIAN
Summoning define boredom.
Both phenomenal bands. Early BG is speed metal elf-wars, and latter BG is orchestra of orc-attacks! Listening to Summoning is like mapping out every crevase in middle-earth.

Here's the thing about Summoning: you only need one album. I have them all, but I've never listened to more than one at a time. So you can't really rank them too easily.

I'll go with honesty and say BG. Imaginations, Nightfall, and Night at the Opera are all pretty much 10/10 buy or die so....thing is, Summoning capture an altogether different atmosphere.....impossible to choose.....
wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooooooooooooo ooooooooooooo MAJESTY!

the kingdom is LOST! and you! will leave us! BEHIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIND
JayKeeley said:
Here's the thing about Summoning: you only need one album.
I would actually disagree here. The band has many different phases.

Lugburz is basically a pure, raw black metal album.

Minas Morgul started them on their "heavy synth phase", but was still pretty much black metal.

Dol Guldur and Nightshade FOrests are almost pure synth.

Stronghold saw a return to a more "metal" stance, which LMHSYF continued with.

It's not like Summoning is AMon AMarth or Bolt Thrower.
J. said:
I would actually disagree here. The band has many different phases.

Lugburz is basically a pure, raw black metal album.

Minas Morgul started them on their "heavy synth phase", but was still pretty much black metal.

Dol Guldur and Nightshade FOrests are almost pure synth.

Stronghold saw a return to a more "metal" stance, which LMHSYF continued with.

It's not like Summoning is AMon AMarth or Bolt Thrower.
Yeah but it's all still very much 'Summoning', and they're conjuring the same kind of atmosphere on each album (other than the debut).

Here's the thing: listen to every single BG album and then listen to every single Summoning album. I have!
oh come on, there are a bunch of power/trad/speed metal listeners here, plus some (NAD, Nate) aren't familiar with Summoning at all.
NAD has Stronghold and Nightfall in Middle Earth. But that's besides the point, this forum and webzine is hugely biased towards black/pagan/extreme metal terror! :heh:

And Nate hasn't heard Summoning? Wow, how can that be? He must be saved. Stronghold I say, Stronghold!!! :kickass: