Battle Of The Bands

Bloodbath - 34 SAVE
Death - 26
Hypocrisy - 16 KILL
Obituary - 4
Morbid Angel - 20
Actually, i say fuck that rule :p vote whenever you want, just don't do it ever know, keep the game fun and don't turn it into a competition
Bloodbath- 36
Death- 30
Hypocrisy- 20 SAVE. Hypocrisy ftw!
Morbid Angel- 20
Edge of Sanity- 14 KILL
Noo, that rule is good, no point otherwise, I mean stefan will play this game by himself if we dont have a timeconstraint and we would be out of bands in a week.
Thanks for correcting that amon.

So current status is

Bloodbath - 38
Death - 32
Edge of Sanity - 18
Hypocrisy - 16
Morbid Angel - 18

Remember everyone, remove/add 2 points when you kill/save a band :)