Battle Of The Bands

Ulver - 26 Save
Blood Red Throne - 32 Kill
Aeon - 32
The Crown - 16
The Project Hate - 22
oops, forgot to add 2 points to Blood Red Throne :p Current stats are

Ulver - 26
Blood Red Throne - 34
Aeon - 34
The Crown - 12
The Project Hate - 22
Ulver - 26 save
Blood Red Throne - 32 kill
Aeon - 34
The Crown - 12
The Project Hate - 24

Ulver - 28 Save
Blood Red Throne - 32
Aeon - 34
The Crown - 10 KILL
The Project Hate - 24

I had to change my vote, because I finally heard The Crown. Gah.
Ulver - 28 sace
Blood Red Throne - 30 kill
Aeon - 34
The Crown - 10
The Project Hate - 26

Yeah I also love Deathrace King, even though devil gate ride is by far my least favourite song from that cd.
Ulver - 26
Blood Red Throne - 32 KILL
Aeon - 34
The Crown - 10 SAVE
The Project Hate - 26

Looks like none of you have ever heard The Crown...