Flal Flal Oct 2, 2004 1,733 0 36 38 Ontario, Canada (eh) Oct 5, 2008 #1,021 Sinister - 30 Anata - 20 Save Hate Eternal - 10 kill Vomitory - 36 save Infinitum - 14
CrossMocker I am the knifer Sep 29, 2008 43 1 6 Christgrinding Avenue, Schweden Oct 5, 2008 #1,022 Flal said: Sinister - 30 Anata - 20 Save Hate Eternal - 10 kill Vomitory - 36 save Infinitum - 14 Click to expand... How generous of you to save two bands
Flal said: Sinister - 30 Anata - 20 Save Hate Eternal - 10 kill Vomitory - 36 save Infinitum - 14 Click to expand... How generous of you to save two bands
Chamet Keepin' it bonzer Dec 29, 2005 6,356 35 48 England Oct 5, 2008 #1,023 He didn't save two bands, he just forgot to remove the "save" from the previous post here are the stats: Sinister - 30 Anata - 20 Hate Eternal - 10 Vomitory - 36 Infinitum - 14
He didn't save two bands, he just forgot to remove the "save" from the previous post here are the stats: Sinister - 30 Anata - 20 Hate Eternal - 10 Vomitory - 36 Infinitum - 14
CrossMocker I am the knifer Sep 29, 2008 43 1 6 Christgrinding Avenue, Schweden Oct 5, 2008 #1,024 Sinister - 30 Anata - 20 Hate Eternal - 8 NÄY Vomitory - 38 YÄY Infinitum - 14
Scavneck Ominous Bloodvomit May 20, 2006 3,689 2 36 Belgrade, Serbia Oct 5, 2008 #1,025 Sinister - 30 Anata - 18 KILL Hate Eternal - 8 Vomitory - 40 - HALL OF FAME Infinitum - 14 New band: The Doors
Sinister - 30 Anata - 18 KILL Hate Eternal - 8 Vomitory - 40 - HALL OF FAME Infinitum - 14 New band: The Doors
CadenZ Son of Crom Oct 28, 2006 704 0 16 Haparanda, Sweden hem.bredband.net Oct 5, 2008 #1,026 Sinister - 30 Anata - 20 SAVE Hate Eternal - 8 Infinitum - 14 The Doors - 18 KILL
BastardSonOfGod Zombie Jan 4, 2006 10,702 0 36 41 Stockholm Oct 5, 2008 #1,027 Sinister - 32 save Anata - 20 Hate Eternal - 8 Infinitum - 12 kill The Doors - 18 I'll not kill the doors, but that's just because I think they shouldn't even be on the list, I'll ignore them...
Sinister - 32 save Anata - 20 Hate Eternal - 8 Infinitum - 12 kill The Doors - 18 I'll not kill the doors, but that's just because I think they shouldn't even be on the list, I'll ignore them...
Shapeless))) -.!.. (-_-) ..!.- Dec 11, 2005 3,040 1 38 39 SWDN, GTHNBRG))) www.fotosidan.se Oct 6, 2008 #1,028 Sinister - 32 save Anata - 20 Hate Eternal - 10 Wheeee.. Infinitum - 12 The Doors - 16 ..eeh?
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden www.deathdoom.com Oct 6, 2008 #1,029 Sinister - 32 Anata - 20 Hate Eternal - 8 kill Infinitum - 14 save (i wonder if anyone even tried to listen? ) The Doors - 16
Sinister - 32 Anata - 20 Hate Eternal - 8 kill Infinitum - 14 save (i wonder if anyone even tried to listen? ) The Doors - 16
Shapeless))) -.!.. (-_-) ..!.- Dec 11, 2005 3,040 1 38 39 SWDN, GTHNBRG))) www.fotosidan.se Oct 6, 2008 #1,030 i tried........... But I didn't liek it D:
Scavneck Ominous Bloodvomit May 20, 2006 3,689 2 36 Belgrade, Serbia Oct 6, 2008 #1,031 Sinister - 32 Anata - 18 KILL Hate Eternal - 10 Infinitum - 12 The Doors - 18 SAVE If The Doors is too weird I'll replace them by something more methul.
Sinister - 32 Anata - 18 KILL Hate Eternal - 10 Infinitum - 12 The Doors - 18 SAVE If The Doors is too weird I'll replace them by something more methul.
stefan86 invariably off-topic Feb 19, 2003 47,441 367 83 38 Stockholm, Sweden www.deathdoom.com Oct 6, 2008 #1,032 Doesn't really have to be methul right?
BastardSonOfGod Zombie Jan 4, 2006 10,702 0 36 41 Stockholm Oct 6, 2008 #1,034 Sinister - 34 save Anata - 18 Hate Eternal - 10 Infinitum - 10 kill The Doors - 18
Flal Flal Oct 2, 2004 1,733 0 36 38 Ontario, Canada (eh) Oct 6, 2008 #1,035 Sinister - 34 Anata - 20 SAVE Hate Eternal - 8 KILL Infinitum - 10 The Doors - 18
Scavneck Ominous Bloodvomit May 20, 2006 3,689 2 36 Belgrade, Serbia Oct 6, 2008 #1,036 Sinister - 32 KILL Anata - 20 Hate Eternal - 8 Infinitum - 10 The Doors - 20 SAVE
BastardSonOfGod Zombie Jan 4, 2006 10,702 0 36 41 Stockholm Oct 6, 2008 #1,037 Sinister - 34 save Anata - 20 Hate Eternal - 8 Infinitum - 8 kill The Doors - 20
Shapeless))) -.!.. (-_-) ..!.- Dec 11, 2005 3,040 1 38 39 SWDN, GTHNBRG))) www.fotosidan.se Oct 6, 2008 #1,038 Sinister - 34 Anata - 20 Hate Eternal - 10 lkmlkm Infinitum - 6 sdfsdf The Doors - 20
CadenZ Son of Crom Oct 28, 2006 704 0 16 Haparanda, Sweden hem.bredband.net Oct 7, 2008 #1,039 Sinister - 34 Anata - 22 SAVE Hate Eternal - 10 Infinitum - 6 The Doors - 18 KILL
Flal Flal Oct 2, 2004 1,733 0 36 38 Ontario, Canada (eh) Oct 7, 2008 #1,040 Sinister - 34 Anata - 24 SAVE Hate Eternal - 8 KILL Infinitum - 6 The Doors - 18