Battle Of The Bands

Anata - 32
The Doors - 22
Theory In Practice - 18 SAVE
Metallica - 18 KILL FUCKIN DIE
Benighted - 20

Benighted are awesome, thier best song being Human Circles
Anata - 40 save ...lucky bastards :) hall of fame
The Doors - 22
Theory In Practice - 14
Metallica - 14
Benighted - 20 kill

New band: Strapping Young Lad

The Doors - 22
Theory In Practice - 14
Metallica - 14
Benighted - 20
Strapping Young Lad - 20
The Doors - 22
Theory In Practice - 10
Metallica - 10 KILL!!!! DIE FFS
Benighted - 20
Strapping Young Lad - 28 SAVE, hall of fame in no time
The Doors - 22
Theory In Practice - 10
Metallica - 8 KILLZ0RXZ!!!!!!!!!!11one
Benighted - 20
Strapping Young Lad - 30 SAVE, HALL OF CREAM IN NO TIME

What, you thought I wouldn't vote for Strapping? :rolleyes: