Battle Of The Bands

Onslaught - 10
Devourment - 16
Through The Eyes of The Dead - 16
Belphegor - 14 KILL been trying to kill these overated fuckers for ages on the AA forum
Skinless - 24 SAVE only decent band on here
The dudes from Belphegor may be a bit ghey, but I love the music, don't see what's there to be overrated, black metalish riffs with death metal drums, WOW SO OVERRATEDZ!!!111 OMGZ!!!111
Onslaught - 10
Devourment - 14
Through The Eyes of The Dead - 12 kill
Belphegor - 18 SAVE, I used to love Blutsabbath and Lucifer Incestus. Don't listen to them that much anymore though, def. wouldn'T say that there's "no feel" in their music though
Skinless - 26