Battle Of The Bands

Behemoth - 10
Decapitated - 26
Mayhem - 12 Kill
Dark Tranquillity - 22
Opeth - 30 Save

Oh come on Opeth will be in the Hall of Fame in a jiffy. They shattered the rest of these bands.
Behemoth - 6
Decapitated - 28
Mayhem - 12 kill
Dark Tranquillity - 24 save
Opeth - 32
Behemoth - 4 KILL
Decapitated - 30 SAVE
Mayhem - 12
Dark Tranquillity - 24
Opeth - 32
Opeth goes to the ahll of fame.

Decapitated - 34
Mayhem - 6 KILL
Dark Tranquillity - 22
Opeth - 40 SAVE

new stats:

Decapitated - 34
Mayhem - 6
Dark Tranquillity - 22
Katatonia - 20
DevilDriver - 20
Decapitated - 34
Mayhem - 8
Dark Tranquillity - 22
Katatonia - 24 SAVE
DevilDriver - 14 KILL