Battle Of The Bands

Kathaarsys - 28
order of ennead - 22 Good stuff, I'll have to get my hands on more of their material.
Sear - 34 save
Nocte Obducta - 16
Papa Roach - 6 kill
AVULSED TO THE HALL OF WIN MWAHAHA, now the number of bands I listed that lost is the same as the ones that won.

Yes that was of great deal of importance to me haha.
Kathaarsys - 28
order of ennead - 22 Good stuff, I'll have to get my hands on more of their material.
Sear - 34
Nocte Obducta - 18 SAVE
Papa Roach - 4 kill

Next band: Ribspreader
Kathaarsys - 28
order of ennead - 24 save
Sear - 36
Nocte Obducta - 18
Papa Roach - 0 kill hall of shame

new band is... hoho, guess what! linking...

nah! new band: Insision :)

Kathaarsys - 28
order of ennead - 24
Sear - 36
Nocte Obducta - 18
Insision - 20