Battle of the Bands

In Sorte Diaboli pwns Death Cult Armageddon. DCA has only 1 REALLY KICKASS SONG and thats Progenies. In sorte diaboli has The serpentine offering so that equals awesomeness aswell...
Joe, you must be tripping! In Flames were one of the best shows i saw this summer :lol: Even the songs from A sense of purpose and Come Clarity did not sound that gay live :lol: Although i must say they have been shit since StYE and R2R.

That's just my opinion though.

The best bands ive seen this summer are Dimmu,Kreator,Norther :)
Dimmu Borgir - 22 SAVE
Sonata Artica - 10 KILL
In Flames - 20
Symphony X - 28
Blind Guardian - 28
And obviously anyone with a different taste than you, is clearly a moron.

Clearly (especially the dutch).

But seriously, I like the first two albums, but they are missing some great elements that they gain on Spiritual Black Dimensions, but that cd, while good, was totally eclipsed by PEM. Kings of the Carnival Creation, Sympozium, Maelstrom Mephisto, Hybrid Stigmata.... you know what, all the songs are great.. and the Burn in Hell cover was good too :lol:
Average at best, imo. I mean, if he wasn't in a progressive band, and instead was a member of a power metal band, you'd think his singing wasn't that great. It's not bad, not by a fucking longshot... but it's nothing special or unique either.

P.S. That song was fucking boring. :lol:

lolyes... it's really a matter of opinion but, I feel if they both recorded the same song the vocals (clean and harsh) would be a lot more powerful from Simen.