Battle of the Bands

I like how every person here thinks that those who disagree with him/her are unquestionably dimwitted tools.

It's natural, for one person their viewpoints and opinions are the most logical way of thinking. Anyone who thinks differently would be seen as illogical and irrational by that person, only in most cases a person would try to reason by saying "oh it's all subjective".

Not to mention one of the most unfortunate cases of hypocrisy is when someone says "Oh shut up, people can think what they want"... Well surely if "people can think what they want", then they can think what they want about how other people think.
You like Syphony X yet you kill Circus Maximus? :erk:

Current Status:

Testament 20
Circus Maximus 12
Racer X 24
Nevermore 22 Lets all agree on the awesomeness of this band, mkay?

Pantera 12 KILL
Testament 20
Circus Maximus 12
Racer X 24
Nevermore 24 SAVE