BATTLE ROYALE pt 2: REQUIEM - it's out on DVD

I'm sure I don't have to request it, but give a report once you've watched. Most reviews I've read about it are very negative and when I read the plot synopses, I was less than thrilled. Still interested though...
bloodfiredeath said:
I'm sure I don't have to request it, but give a report once you've watched. Most reviews I've read about it are very negative and when I read the plot synopses, I was less than thrilled. Still interested though...
Really? I haven't read any reviews for it! Having said that, I don't think I've ever read a review for the first one either, heh. I thought the synopsis rules - especially as a direct follow on from the first!
Shame that - any links to the bad reviews then?

The first one is masterpiece theater. Having said that, it's very cult - I don't know what kind of crowd you would draw in Houston. It would probably sell out somewhere like London or New York.
Well, the fact is, you can buy part 1 for less than $10 on eBay now, and most people into Japanese genre/cult flicks will probably buy the DVD. Thing is, those same people will go to a movie theater to see films they already own, just to see it on a big screen with great sound. I know I probably would.
So could like, somebody, like, totally point me in the right direction to a $10 Battle Royale DVD for Region 1 and like, stuff? I see a bunch of listings on eBay but none are really like, clear and some junk, about which like, which one is both region 1 and has like, totally English sub-titles and like stuff.

I am teh n00000biek.!!!!!11111
Thanks, ordered. Now I shall see what all the hype is all about on my tiny ass TV.


Subtle. :devil:
You ordered that piece of shit? What the hell for? Oh well, if you don't like it you can always blame Russell.

\m/ :heh: \m/

Another milestone NAD passes on his journey to the dark side...muwahahaha. You will want to make gay babies with this DVD. And if you don't, then you are teh gay in the anti Christian way and will be forced to move to Vermont and marry some tranny called Butch.
Papa Josh said:
I was looking into screening the first one on the big screen, but the only print is in Australia and I don't know if I could get people to come to a dvd screening on big screen or not..
I just realized, Battle Royale is officially banned in the USA, so I'm not sure whether you would even be allowed to show it?
Battle Royale II - a quick assessment: First half is great, second half it falls apart at the seams. There's probably a ton of spoilers in here, so read at your own risk.

Essentially, a terrorist group (led by the 'winner' in part 1) declares war on all "adults" in retaliation to the Battle Royale government program and starts blowing up buildings in downtown Tokyo. The group then go into hiding on some island...

The Japanese government react by putting together a "Battle Royale 2" program which throws together a new bunch of misfits into the game, with the sole purpose of wiping out the aforementioned terrorist group. Same affair as part 1 really, except the target is the terrorists and not each other.

They're all given those exploding neck braces, but this time with a twist: they're paired up, and so if one person in a pair dies, the other's neck brace gets triggered thereby killing him/her as well. So basically, these fuckers go down in two's !!Example: 6 people get blown up by hand grenade, another six get their heads blown off automatically.

When deployed to the island, the BR2 kids actually storm the beach (as in D-Day style), and the camera work even copycats the opening 20 minutes of Saving Private Ryan - where the camera is hand-held, and shakes along with the action as if throwing you into the mayhem.

This whole opening first 30 minutes of the movie is fucking ruthless, and very worthy of a follow up to part 1. It's pure mayhem. However, this is where the movie begins to turn for the worse...

After a big shoot out inside a building (filmed exactly in the same way as that first special forces assault in The Rock), the terrorist kids realize that these assailants are BR participants, and so all the fighting stops. Why? Because they band together with love and fucking kisses. Puke!

After that, all the kids start fighting the military who enforce the game (they come in to the island take them all out in the most pathetic ambush I've seen - 500 soldiers coming in on foot, instead of just taking them out from helicopters or jet planes) and so the movie turns into just a regular old shoot 'em up. The worst part is in the script & dialogue (granted it's in subtitles), but the melodrama, overly sad music, and crappy acting just turns the whole film into a cheesefest.

The ultimate message in the movie is about "abandoned kids fighting for their freedom against the adults", or something to that effect. They even stoop so low as to reference children of Afghanistan, and 'great nations' attacking anyone they want. It's all just too obvious with the movie reflecting on 9/11. (Even the buildings that blow up at the beginning of the movie look like the two towers coming down).

Other than the first 30 blistering minutes, this film turns into Mr. Cheap and Mrs. Nasty. The 'before and after' is so obvious, and reflects the original director DYING during the filming process, and his son taking over (having never directed a movie before in his life). To be fair though, my main problem is not with the directing but the weak script. I think they were working with an unfinished script, and just made it up as they went along.

Battle Royale (part 1) is a phenomenal movie, looking at what children are capable of doing to each other when cornered, isolated, and threatened. Even worse is that the whole event is organized and controlled, and it becomes quite extraordinary to watch kids turn into killing machines.

Battle Royale Part 2 is basically a stripped-down action movie that tries to capture that same isolated feeling of part 1 but fails terribly. Some bits were so painfully slow moving, I found myself fast-forwarding whole segments just to avoid having to watch some Japanese kid actor squeezing out as much camera time in acting out his/her own death, while the fellow actors ran around like headless chickens screaming and falling over each other.

Honestly, where I had sympathy for the kids in part 1, I just wanted all these little bastards in part 2 to fuck off and die (quickly). Avoid this movie, and don't let it tarnish the phenomena that was part 1.
You said spoilers, I'm not reading that big long post. :loco:

I'll probably pick up part 2 eventually, as I watched part 1 last night and it kicked ass. I didn't really dig the ending too much, just sorta dropped the ball really, but overall an outstanding film. The acting was incredible, I loved the cast. I want to make babies in the straight way with that one mean chick, forgot her name. Mitsuko I think.
NAD said:
You said spoilers, I'm not reading that big long post. :loco:
I meniotned "spoilers" as in I gave certain plot points away. If you're not concerned about knowing the story line then you should be ok to read it if you like.

I'll probably pick up part 2 eventually
I'll send you mine, then you can decide on whether to buy it or not.

I watched part 1 last night and it kicked ass. I didn't really dig the ending too much, just sorta dropped the ball really, but overall an outstanding film. The acting was incredible, I loved the cast. I want to make babies in the straight way with that one mean chick, forgot her name. Mitsuko I think.
When I saw it the second time, it all seemed to fall in place quite perfectly, but I had that same opinion about the ending the first time I watched it too. The thing about part 1 is that it stays with you forever.

Heh, have you seen Kill Bill yet? Also, there's some nice babes in BR part 2 - I think I may start an annual subscription to Asian Babes (Barely Legal). :loco: