BATTLE ROYALE pt 2: REQUIEM - it's out on DVD

Yeah I caught your last paragraph after posting, haha.

My Asian girlfriend fulfills my yellow fever (even though she's more mocha colored than anything else), but Asian porn still rules. Not that weird shit with 12 year old lookin' bitches, yecch. 17 is a good ripe age though. :loco:

Nope, no Kill Bill yet. I'm waiting for DVD just like everything else, including Matrix 3.
:lol: It's sitting in my promo pile!

I'll get to it soon though, I swear. Gonna be getting real drunk for the next several days though. :erk:
I've seen it. I thought it was ok, nowhere near as good as the first. All of the faults of the first one were more obvious in this one, and to me it felt like they'd engineered it to be too much like the first to feel natural. Plus the director's reliance on hand-held cameras in the war scenes was beginning to get annoying. But I liked the idea, and it had it's moments...
That sucked. Seriously, that was a really bad movie. The only interesting aspect, the whole anti-US stance, didn't fit the context of the film at all.
I warned you all!!! Aren't you glad you didn't buy it now?

The worst part about the film was how it turned into a cheesy daytime soap opera with the obligatory bad acting, soppy soundtrack, and bad acting! And some of the script was just terrible - a ground attack?? Why set up Battle Royale 2 at all then? Why not just send in troops from the beginning? And why a ground attack - why not just blow them out from the sky?

I have to admit though, the first 20 minutes or so were ok. I like the idea of having "partner", so if you die, they automatically die too. In the first 20 minutes, those kids were dropping like flies!

Battle Royale: Another classic that didn't require a sequel.
The concept of whosits from the first one being a terrorist was cool, but even the bloody opening scene was a lame rehash, too damn slow.

What was the deal with the teacher dude? He had a necklace on and then was playing dress-up with the rugby uniform at the end. What the fuck was that about?

What was so good about the first one was the character interaction and sincerity toward one another, but I couldn't stand the lead guy (Blondey), and the teacher was slightly menacing but extremely lame. Nothing was developed with whats his nut's daughter either, I was expecting a cool revenge flick, but that just sorta dropped until right before she died and asked a dumb question about the painting that meant nothing.

:bah: I say, :bah:
The teacher in the first one was superb - "Beat" Takeshi Kitano. He's a brilliant actor. If you ever get a chance to see his other films, then do so, especially when they're called Violent Cop or Sonatine. :heh:

He also hosts (or used to host) "Takeshi's Castle", or "Most Extreme Elimination" as it's called in the USA. So funny - loads of Japs running around in competition doing stupid stunts and getting hurt. Def the sort of thing you watch with a bunch of mates and a few beers. Just funny to laugh at others getting hurt, heh.
Oh yeah, I've caught that Most Extreme Elimination once or twice, funny stuff. It was like Super Fun Happy Family Wish Show!

Yeah, Kitano kicked ass. New guy was too busy frothing at the mouth with his god damn Pez.