Bay Area Thrash vs. Teutonic (German) Thrash

Which one would you prefer?

  • Bay Area Thrash

    Votes: 18 81.8%
  • Teutonic (German) Thrash

    Votes: 4 18.2%

  • Total voters
Please accept this as an official apology for turning this into a Metallica thread. This was not my initial intention. Thank you.
You didn't even listen to a preview of the album before buying St Anger?

I saw Metallica a couple of weeks before it came out at their secret mid-afternoon set at Donington. They played Frantic and St. Anger. I liked both, and was full of hope. Then heard Frantic before the album came out, was a bit worried about the production but still confident it'd be good.

Then the album came out and it turned out they were the only two tolerable tracks on it. the rest was about as pleasurable as putting my testes into a meat-grinder... Tried listening to it a few times since then, and my opinion did not change... it's just a terrible album :(
Hard one this - Germany does thrash better than most, but the Bay Area had Vio-lence, Torque, Heathen, Piranha, Death Angel....

For Vio-lence alone I'll go with SA. Also, Metallica weren't from the Bay Area soooooooo.... :lol:
I'm not saying I wouldn't see them if my friend asked me to come along, I'm not the richest guy on the planet I can't go see a show every month, especially when I have to pay for my own gas on top of the ticket. I'm saying that considering those circumstances, I would be more inclined to say "I'll go into debt to go see Kreator" than Exodus. If I really had the money, of course I'd jump on the chance to see a hell of a lot more bands.