Baying Of The Hounds Tab


CEV Delusion
Jan 15, 2006
I'm working meticulously on a tab for every instrument in the song Baying Of The Hounds since no one else has taken up this task. If anyone is interested in getting a version of it, it's being done on the program Tabledit ( I can also make it HTML or ASCII, so just let me know what you're looking for.

I'll tell ya one thing, that dissonant descending riff right before the drum&bass break was a bitch.
Zeta7 said:
I'm working meticulously on a tab for every instrument in the song Baying Of The Hounds since no one else has taken up this task. If anyone is interested in getting a version of it, it's being done on the program Tabledit ( I can also make it HTML or ASCII, so just let me know what you're looking for.

I'll tell ya one thing, that dissonant descending riff right before the drum&bass break was a bitch.
im pretty sure that been done already
hey so has wankerness competed the power tab for Baying of the hounds yet? or what? Ive almost given up waiting.
wankmaster did not... no... but I'm almost done with it anyway. So I'll hook you up.

btw I've searched over the entire internet, and if it has been done, it's not accessible through a search engine. The results you get are people asking why there isnt one on the internet.
the huge chord sections in the song are what fucked me up the most, now I'm working on the last 4 min of the song. be up in one or two days. Taking a break this evening though.
This is only the THIRD FUCKING TIME this topic has been made in the last like, one month. >:<

I would finish it if I wasn't lazy, sry. The one I have was not made by me and has extensive errors that need fixing (like, most of the guitars are in the wrong tuning, and just various little things like bass fills missing), it's sort of a turn-off. I am going to change it so it's all in the right tuning soon but probably not try and finish it until I see them live on March 3rd, unless they don't play that one on this tour. I dunno, the main thing stopping me is I don't want to retune my guitar (stupid open tunings!) :<
Wankerness. I appreciate your PTs of Opeth. But I have one complaint... maybe a suggestion to make. When you have two distorted guitars panned left and right, have one be Distortion Guitar and one Overdriven Guitar. It makes it sound a whole fuck load better.
I ..... hear... the baying... of the... hoooooooooounds....

repeat 1,348 times..

there you go!

you're welcome :)
Zeta7 said:
Wankerness. I appreciate your PTs of Opeth. But I have one complaint... maybe a suggestion to make. When you have two distorted guitars panned left and right, have one be Distortion Guitar and one Overdriven Guitar. It makes it sound a whole fuck load better.

Ah, yeah, that does sound better...solves that annoyance I always had with the guitars switching to the middle channel whenever they played the same thing :p
This is good news guys. I've been looking for this song for a while now. Let us know when you get it finished Zeta 7. Keep up the good work.
im sure affinityband has the complete baying of the hounds tabb. yeah wankerness put them into guitar pro aswell coz ther always so wrong and unlogicaly played most of them work it out on the computer rather than playing and they come out with immposible chords stretchs from like 3 to 12 so clearly they dont play them therselves and it just takes longer coz u have to put them into chord that u can acualy play
cuntface said:
im sure affinityband has the complete baying of the hounds tabb. yeah wankerness put them into guitar pro aswell coz ther always so wrong and unlogicaly played most of them work it out on the computer rather than playing and they come out with immposible chords stretchs from like 3 to 12 so clearly they dont play them therselves and it just takes longer coz u have to put them into chord that u can acualy play

That's probably cause of dumb fucks that just export midi from the power tab and import it into guitar pro cause they're both tone deaf and lazy. I especially like it when they then claim they tabbed the song themself.

I am not tone deaf, but I am too lazy to manually re-enter an entire tab into guitar pro, unless it's a very short song.
I got the baying of the hounds tab wankerness sent me as i couldnt be arsed to do it by ear. And its still even though you say theres mistakes, an excellent tab. Although i love BoTH and GoP. Neither of these are fun opeth songs to play.
GoP is actually one of the MOST fun opeth songs to play imo! OH well, JUST AN OPINION. It's just so annoying to retune the guitar that I never feel like it ^_^
Zeta7 said:
Wankerness, do you want to hear what I have thusfar?

Yes. If you roughly finish it (assuming you're working in powertab) i'll go through it with a fine-toothed comb and fix anything I think is wrong in both scores, I just don't have the motivation to actually bother tabbing the rest right now if I don't have anything to start with.

EDIT: send it to me on gmail, my address on there is mansavage (