Baying Of The Hounds Tab

hey man, the chorus you were right. and the heavy part after the drum and bass break is right. But I think you have the main riff for the verses a fifth up. and that descent doesnt sound right. listen to the shit I have with the song playing. It's at the right tempo. what I got for it is right. I slowed it down to figure it out. the only thing I dont think is right is the bass. on alot of the other stuff we have pretty much the same thing.
Zeta7 said:
hey man, the chorus you were right. and the heavy part after the drum and bass break is right. But I think you have the main riff for the verses a fifth up. and that descent doesnt sound right. listen to the shit I have with the song playing. It's at the right tempo. what I got for it is right. I slowed it down to figure it out. the only thing I dont think is right is the bass. on alot of the other stuff we have pretty much the same thing.

I dunno, the main riff i THINK is up like that (it's the same chords you have, just the root is on top instead of the bottom), but it might be the keyboard screwing me up (cause it plays higher notes). I didn't really focus on that, I just left it how the original guy had it (cause I figured he wouldnt have messed up something that simple :D).

As for that chromatic yuck thing, I dunno what to tell you, I listened to it a million times and slowly too and that's what I got. Did you listen to the left and right channels independently? It's VERY hard to tell what's going on if you don't do that, but didn't seem too hard at all when separated. I didn't mess with the bass on that part though, so maybe it will sound right to you when I fix that (if it's wrong, anyway)? I'll compare yours to the song tomorrow and see if I screwed something up, but I'm pretty sure that what I have for the guitars is right.
yea I listened to both channels separately. As far as I could tell the right guitar doubles the left guitar only a note lower. But there's also like 4 guitars in that part too. If you listen, there's high notes that double the regular guitar riffs.

The main riff, I'm positive what I have is right. I think that you are confusing it with the keyboard. And actually I think the keyboard is a little different than even that.


I believe that's what the keyboard is playing. I don't think it's a perfect fifth.