BC Rich Guitars

Hmmm. On closer inspection the specs say Body wood: mahogany
but in the summary it says Featuring our neck through design, Nato body and contrasting wood stringers,...

Now as far as I'm aware Nato is a cheaper wood that is similar to Mahogany:


I smell a rat :rolleyes:

AND THE SCALE LENGTH IS ONLY 24 5/8" ARRRGGGGHHHHH - they're such sweet looking guitars, but no FUCKING way am I getting a neck that short, I have a hard enough time with the 24 6/8" neck on my EC-400
Well there's not really much to elaborate on; a shorter neck means looser tension, and when tuning down it becomes MADDENING trying to maintain intonation as well as string tension; I really don't like super-thick strings (even if tension wasn't a factor), so I INFINITELY prefer the feel of a 25.5" neck (as on most Ibanezes, Jacksons, etc.)
Well there's not really much to elaborate on; a shorter neck means looser tension, and when tuning down it becomes MADDENING trying to maintain intonation as well as string tension; I really don't like super-thick strings (even if tension wasn't a factor), so I INFINITELY prefer the feel of a 25.5" neck (as on most Ibanezes, Jacksons, etc.)

Having virtually no experience with Gibson scale length style guitars I didn't realise that such a small difference in scale length could have such a pronounced effect.
Yeah dude, it's pretty wild - my EC400 feels INCREDIBLE while playing standing up (just hangs so perfectly and is shaped ideally) but recording it's HELL
Yeah dude, it's pretty wild - my EC400 feels INCREDIBLE while playing standing up (just hangs so perfectly and is shaped ideally) but recording it's HELL

I quite fancy an EC-500 as a fixed bridge guitar however all this talk of scale length makes me wonder if I'd be better of with a MH-400NT or even a MHB-400
for low tunings. Hmmm but fixed bridge "super strats" look a bit....erm...strange....whilst Les Pauls look...erm good.
I just realised I need one of these:


:rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock: :rock:
Haha, well if 8-string excessiveness is your thing, then right on, I suppose! :zombie: :D

As for super-strat vs. LP shape, I personally think a super-strat looks fucking AWESOME with a tune-o-matic and string-thru (though I HATE the look of a stop tailpiece on them), and an EC500 would be great as long as you don't plan on recording in anything lower than standard tuning with it (it's the intonation that's really a bitch). And it depends how low you wanna go; 25.5" (standard super-strat length) is fine for anything down to and including B standard IMO, but any lower and it's baritone time (however, be wary of baritones that are the same shape; my housemate has the ESP LTD Viper baritone that is really well made, but they didn't change the proportions or the strap pin positions, so it's SO neck-heavy :erk: )

I have 2 B.C. Rich Dracos and for the record it's the only guitar I'll ever want, unless they make a higher end NT Virgin with beast headstock. BC Rich has seriously revamped their line and it's paying off bigtime. I urge those of you who haven't tried the new BC Riches to do so. As for clips, hopefully this will do

Hahaha, wow dude, that is NOT the kind of music I expected you to be playing with those guitar shapes, a vader cab, and the freakin' vinyl head dangling over your amp :lol: Sounds good, but are you using your thumb to fret the low strings? Pretty wild, whatever works I spose!
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i have played the 8string Ibanez and i think it is horrible. The string gauge is really light -too sloppy. Guess its designed for djent though....
i have played the 8string Ibanez and i think it is horrible. The string gauge is really light -too sloppy. Guess its designed for djent though....

Yeah, I remember hanging out in a store that stocks a lot of high end Ibanez's when the RG2228 came out.

There were a lot of kids wanting to give the eight string a go, and once they did, every single one of them played the same kind of single note Meshuggah ripoff stuff on the low strings, or THE lowest string to be honest.

You should have seen the look on the salesmen's faces after the fifth kid played the same stuff.

I was just paying for my Mesa cab and I asked the guy if people ever played anything else than djent-Meshuggah stuff on it, and he just said NO :lol:
Hahaha, wow dude, that is NOT the kind of music I expected you to be playing with those guitar shapes, a vader cab, and the freakin' vinyl head dangling over your amp :lol: Sounds good, but are you using your thumb to fret the low strings? Pretty wild, whatever works I spose!

/:goggly: fretting with the thumb-
DrakkarTyrannis how did you drop into that technique?

Actually I play death and black metal..I was just playing random riffs and that's what came out. The first part is actually a Sum41 song I think:zombie:

But yeah, I've always played with my thumb, it's just comfortable to do so. Of course I can play "normally" but there's no real fun in that.