
HCAF crusher
Jul 2, 2006
just bought my first made in USA Rich and am curious how it'll stand up against the Customshop Jacksons, ESPs and Robins I'm usually playing.

I COULD post pics, but I have posted pics of a gay guitar like 2 days ago and the rich looks as gay or even more gay so I'm rather not posting them now......
gotta post some heavy shit first ;)

Have any of you comments/opinions about / experiences with the older (12-15yrs) US-made BC Riches?
I had an old BCR STIII (strat) and a friend has around 5 usa bcrs, and must say they are great guitars.Get a nice setup done and it will play and sound fantastic!
Is it hot pink? :headbang::kickass:

not really....snakeskin! ;)

mom, drunl enough to post a pic ;)

here ya go:



hairspray FTW!

EDIT: the "shit for sale" thingy is just a sticker that's gonna be removed
just opened the parcel and set everything up etc..

damn, incredibly good axe!
lots of sustain and it SINGS!.
no dead-spots, sounds great on any note on the board, nice and articulated pick-attack.
the OBL sounds really good (medium-outout...just boost the lvl on the TS) and will stay where it is, this will be my main sleaze-axe from now on wonderful guitar, I'm happy

EDIT: Oh, and btw....it doesn't look that pink in real life...more green/greyish really nice and totally un-gay ;)