Be nice to each other


Don't mean nothin'
Dec 9, 2001
A Nation on Fire
You never know when you're gonna die

It's true. I went to the funeral of a friend of mine yesterday :(
She had been suffering from cancer for 8 years though... so it was not a complete surprise. Not that that makes it less sad or something.
That's true... I went to the funeral of my friend's dad some weeks ago, he was only 52 and had an heartattack... He didn't suffer of any disease in the past, it was a complete surprise...

Never trust life, maybe I'll die at work tommorrow, who knows? *Doom contest begins"
i often think of such things at irrelevant times,that we often consider to be empty of "serious thoughts",like returning from shopping.

Today i went to the baker's and returning home,i saw a bunch of 10 year old girls playing cheerfully.i tried to decide whether id like to be in their place or preffered mine.Am i lucky for i may die earlier than them?For i may save myself from seeing more world tragedies?for i'm a mere coward,comformistic scum?

ah,i didnt hear you,what time is it again? :erk::erk::erk::Smug:
i'm finally getting the hang of it, so i hope to stick around just for the bit more.

thinking over every step you take or evaluating every action isnt a way to live like. happy i've let that one go, tho it comes in phases like.
death is the last thing i'm dealing with right now.
let's say i had my occasions and i'm off to s/thing else now ;)
funny, we did about bentham in my philosophy class this semester. but i reckon he got it all wrong like most philosophers. :erk:
what i admire most about bentham is his white socks

they should dress him up in current clothing tho
he could have been a punk a hippy, a new romantic....