Perfect tourpackage

Metal detector! Gimme this! :grin: I'll make test it on every puff in the streets of Brussels...

Last time, some of them were talking about Pleymo (shitty new-metal band from france) when I asked them: "hey lads, do you know Biohazard, they're playing in belgium next week!"
They answered "bio-what?"... I said "give up"... :ill:
Oh, Cerulean, you can calculate your daily biohazard according to the following chart:

One pint of beer = 0.3 bh (biohazard)
One cigarette = 0.7 bh
One shot of cocaine = 2.5 bh
One jerkoff = 1.9 bh
One jerkoff and you're caught = 6.8 bh
Watching an episode of "Friends" = 11 bh
One hour on the Anathema forum = 15 bh
One listening to Mata Leao = 63 bh
One call from the contact at General Electric = 4,500 bh
Falling in love with someone of the same sex = 186,000 bh

So far mine is at 9,015. It's not the Mae West, haha :D And it's only 2 o'clock in the afternoon.