Beastie Boys' Adam Yaucht Dies

It's about 25 years too late if you ask me. Nothing personal against the dude, but I always hated how rap got played on the rock stations because of those tools. And as much as I hated them, I always found their songs running through my head (I could still probably recite all of the lyrics to Intergalactic if I tried). Fuckers.
It's about 25 years too late if you ask me. Nothing personal against the dude, but I always hated how rap got played on the rock stations because of those tools. And as much as I hated them, I always found their songs running through my head (I could still probably recite all of the lyrics to Intergalactic if I tried). Fuckers.


Their lyricism is on par with Elementary school students, as well.
I just realized, that, when you spell Beasty Boys backwards, you get Syob Ytsaeb!!!! Amazing!