Beat Detective Tutorial Video Part One is Here!!

I'm having trouble with the grouping and seperating..

I have the kick, snare top, and toms 1 & 2 grouped like you had, but BD isn't marking any of the transients except for the kick track in the selection, so I can't seperate the regions. I'm kind of fumbling on the terminology, but does anyone understand my issue?

you don't have multi-track beat detective. you'd need to purchase the music production tool-kit.
SO im gonna have to eat a humongous Slice of humble Pie here.

I Managed to email Mark Jefferey who Wrote and implemented BD about the seelction bug... and this is what he had to say...

"I understand how your method can work out to give the same result or similar result in many cases, but, Beat D was not intended to be used in this way. It’s a shame we haven’t done a better job of educating people.

I designed the feature and implemented it, so, I’m afraid you are hearing it from the horse’s mouth."

And also in reply to a post on the DUC

"for best results, the selection should not align to the grid, but rather should line up with audio transients."
"IMPORTANT NOTE: Make sure your selection is aligned to the audio (selection start/end snug up next to transients) and not the grid. THe Grid is where you audio will end up. You are selecting audio that is off the grid to move to the grid."
But you will get far better result selecting the audio, not to the grid. The whole design philosophy is predicated on the assumption that the selected audio is moved to the grid and that the selection is off of the grid.

"The "performed" 4 bar drum phrase gets moved to the "quantized" 4 bars in Pro Tools.

Please try this way of thinking, and I think things will improve for you."

Well don't I feel Like a dick!!!
Apologies Adam And Murph!
Looks like i'll have to make a video of how to do it again!!
I often pre-quantize by going through the song and putting the first kick of each section on the grid. I can usually make selections by the grid amount without issue.

It's the fades files and reduced responsiveness that are trouble for me.
I'm having a back and forth with him at the mo, to try and see exactly what is the best way to do it; but having tried making a selection absed SOLELY on the audio, im getting all sorts of problems.
the way im doing it works fine for me....but id like to know what the guy who made it says!!
great videos guys (both adam and greyskull). Please don't take any offence when I say this though, I feel both of you are taking the long way around things a lot of the time. I might have to make my own BD video at some point, because I feel there is a few steps that can be greatly simplified.

out of interest dude whats your bd workflow?
You still do it the long way round.

Nah when I use BD I have a totally different workflow now, much faster... Just use BD to cut the whole song up roughly at once, then go through and quantize large chunks if possible using cmd+0, or move individual hits manually by clicking the region, pressing opt+shit+return to select to end of song and then moving that selection. This way you don't move something later and overlap and kill a transient.

It's not "really" Beat Detective since I only use it to do the initial cuts and the final smoothing, but it's the fastest way I've used so far. Seems like the best of both world when it comes to quantizing in large chunks and still having manual control when you need it ;)

Really quick vid outlining it... I'm a bit out of practice in PT so it seems slower than it is but it's the method I've preferred since learning it from jval here on the forum:

Even so though, my original method seems about as fast as you can get and still be accurate on the first pass... Select section of performance, analyze, adjust any trigger points that are in the wrong place and fix any incorrect trigger times, then split and conform, done...
Found this thread, both of the video links are now dead...are there new links to these videos? I'm getting heavy into beat detective as I slip away from programmed drums. I edited drums for one 3 track EP I did years ago, but it was elastic time and I kick myself for not using BD or editing without audio stretching/compression algs. I would like to see both vids, the original one posted and the slip technique.
You know what; given how shit I made this, and how I did things a Kinda Arse backwards way, I may just make a new one.

I'll have some free time in a bit, so should be able to do this.
I've seen just about every video on BD when it comes to like, rock drums, but death metal and deathcore or anything tech is a completely different ball game. Not only is each bar going to have more separation (due to extensive fills and double bass)...the amount of hits are going to much greater than that of a rock drum track.

120 bpm rock track with simple beat and a fill every so often
250 bpm death metal track with drums flying non stop

So yeah, I haven't seen any in-depth BD vids on tech metal drums...I would greatly appreciate the gesture.
God, havn't done anything like that in a while. (Fortunately) It's always a nightmare to edit that sort of stuff.... TBH It's often easier to use bd to perform separation, then just CMD+ 0 the regions to the grid in sections, then use BD to fade afterwards with that sort of music. Unless the drummer is shit hot and isn't punching massively above his weight, which is almost never.

Have to see if I've got a session that matches that sort of thing. sure I've got some terrible drumming somewhere...
Let us know if you make a new video...stick it up on youtube this time since youtube seems to have stood the test of time vs the mobileme locker thing. Thanks in advanced whether or not you do it.