

New Metal Member
Feb 9, 2004
Orlando, FL, USA
I'm new to Anathema, don't listen to a lot of metal but am a big fan of Opeth and Katatonia and heard that I should also like Anathema so I'm trying them out. Pretty decent stuff so far, but I noticed something funny today and wondered if I was the only one.

Listening to Far Away acoustic version off of Eternity, there is a chord progression that keeps repeating in the background that is also in the Beatles song "While My Guitar Gently Weeps". Not saying they stole it or anything, in rock music there is only so much you can do and there are many other instances where I notice two very different songs using the same chord progression. It's just funny here, the tone of the guitar, the strumming, it's so uncanny that while I'm listening to the song I can't help but here the Beatles lyrics in my head. Wondering if this happened to anyone else... :confused:
Well the issue of Anathema's songs being influenced by other bands has been brought up several times, but imo, their music is unique, and they have their own style, i dunno about "Far Away", but you should try the new albums as well so you can get a real glimpse of this great band.
Falconspirit said:
Well the issue of Anathema's songs being influenced by other bands has been brought up several times, but imo, their music is unique, and they have their own style, i dunno about "Far Away", but you should try the new albums as well so you can get a real glimpse of this great band.

Yeh, all music is influenced by other music to some extent, but that wasn't the intent of my post at all - I doubt Anathema was directly influenced by the Beatles (if it was then this similarity would seem like more of a ripoff - as it is, it's just weird and I was wondering if anyone else heard it).

I also listened to their newest album, A Natural Disaster, it's pretty good too...
The111 said:
I doubt Anathema was directly influenced by the Beatles (if it was then this similarity would seem like more of a ripoff - as it is, it's just weird and I was wondering if anyone else heard it).

Hey, they're from Liverpool, remember?
Danny: "Beatles and Radiohead are the greatest bands in the world"
I was just thinking, maybe all this shit that is going on with Michael Jackson is being perpetrated by Paul McCartney and Yoko Ono so that Michael Jackson has too sell off his ownership of the Beatles back catalog of songs to pay his court expenses, then they can buy it all back. Seriously.