If you listened to her first two albums, then you didn't get a dose of bluegrass or country dude!

If anything it's female lead, southern rock.
Everything doesn't have to be "metal" to be good.
Regarding Sass - I was only looking on Myspace at the time, so maybe I found the wrong artist, but there was a female singer on there listed as "Sass Jordan" and she was listed under bluegrass and country and although you might argue and call it "southern rock," that was the style I heard. I never said it sounded "bad" as TwizstedJesus and you stated. Her voice was very beutiful, but the music was very mellow and not exactly what I was looking for. I was looking for something to kick my ass with a heavy beat and some guitar solos, but I didn't hear anything like that. If anyone has a link to something else that I could hear by her, I'd be happy to give it a listen.
I also don't recall saying that music has to be metal to be good, only that I personally prefer female-fronted
metal bands with that rougher (different) vocal style. I was enquiring about metal bands with that particular style of vocals, not just any female-fronted band with rough vocals. I like a lot of different kinds of metal, as well as classic rock, alternative, some classical, jazz, big band, blues, and a variety of other genres, but my true love is metal and that what I was looking for when I posed the question to this thread.
Sass Jordan bluegrass and country???I've been a Sass fan since the late 80's and I have never heard anything country or bluegrass about her...none of the releases sound even remotely that bad.
Maybe I'm taking the statement "Everything doesn't have to be "metal" to be good.

" the wrong way, but I feel like I'm being accused of being closed-mind by just saying that a certain recommended artist wasn't what I was looking for or expecting. Ironically, you guys are the ones who have implied that "country or bluegrass [are] that bad."
Once again, I appriciate all of the suggested bands that people have provided me with on this forum (regardless of whether or not they met my personal tastes) and I hope if you have further suggestions you will continue to share them with me. But please don't be upset with me or think of me as closed-minded just because I say the particular band that you suggested did not match my musical tastes or preferences. Thanks again.