Okay... here's another for you Ken.
Traditional Doom Compilation #1
1) Hour of Death - Reverend Bizaare : Like all of the other RB I've reviewed, I'm going to say exactly what I've said before - "Reverend Bizarre fucking owns you and there's nothing you can do about it". This song is one of their best, full of emotion and it's really just a pure slice of doom. 10/10
2) Drodruin - Master, the Tempest is Raging : I like the "intro" to this song (which actually continues on for quite a while). This is a rather mellow song until about halfway through, with great vocals and AWESOME clean guitar tone. When the distortion kicks in, you get an earful of awesome bass/guitar riffs. This is driving, excellent doom! 8.5/10
3)Autumnal - Age of Wrath : Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaavvyyyyy and slowwwwwww with gorgeous use of harmonics. About 3 minutes in, the distortion breaks down and some clean guitar comes into the picture. The bass, although very simple, accents this well. Good vox here! The ending picks up a bit, great riffs here. 8.8/10
4)Krux - DMFALDS : DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM from the beginning. Not much for me to say, its more of an aggressive song, and not that bad at all... perhaps not right up my alley, though. 7.8/10
5)Slow Horse - The Last : Very good song with riffs that make you want to get drunk and fight somebody. The vocals don't seem to match up with the music at first (at least thats how I heard it) but eventually it all works together. Awesome break in the middle with good chord progressions. 8/10
6) Bells of Doom - The Death of God : Interestingly enough, in this song, you can hear bells of doom - literally. Cool use of a Wah effect in the beginning. A neat song, but it hasn't really clicked with me yet. As of now - 7.5/10
7)Thunderstorm - Parallel Universe : This is a rather crushing song. Also makes me want to get drunk and fight people while yelling "FUCK OFF YOU FUCKING FUCKS". I'm not so much for the vocals here... reminds me of Geddy Lee at times (and I like my Geddy Lee in Rush, not in my doom)... but hey, they aren't that bad. One thing that makes me like this song a lot is the very tactical use of clean guitars amongst the distortion. Everything, even the vocals, works together. Cool song, 8/10.
8) Abdullah - Awakening the Colossus : These riffs aren't doing a lot for me... and very unfortanutly they repeat a lot throughout the song. The vocals lack a certain kind of emotion that the rest of these have... there's not much else for me to say. 6/10
9) Ogre - The Gas : Cool distortion on the guitars! The opening riffs aren't very gloomy, which is nice for a change. Oh, I didn't know Ozzy sang in this band too

This is a good traditional song, but I can't shake the extreme Black Sabbath feeling. That said, I like it! 8.3/10
Okay, if I can find my tracklistings and get my shit together, I'll do the other reviews... but as for now I'm still sick with the flu and I'm quite unorganized. You know what I think of the Extreme Doom comp pretty much (it all rules, especially Thorr's Hammer < a 11/10 song).
In other, completely unrelated, news- the Agalloch demo is the greatest thing I have heard in a very long time. Cheers!