
Mar 22, 2008
OK, this is a far stretch:
Nothing to do with metal. Some to do with rock. Some to do with prog. A lot to do with music...

Does anyone here dig Beck's music?
I was just listening to some of my favorite Odelay-era tracks:
- Deadweight
- Novacaine
- Discobox

and they are Amazing (Deadweight is the Ultimate summer song!)

So... do any Opeth fans here share my enjoyment of this fine composer? :Smokin:
Oops... sorry! Thought this was a thread about JEFF Beck!

Blow by Blow or Wired > Odelay

The other Beck is ok, though. Just kinda hit & miss for me.
Everytime I look up a song on youtube, Beck has done a cover of it. lol.
I usually like his covers more than his originals.
I used to listen to his stuff when I was a bit younger, and I still have a lot of respect for him. He definitely knows how to be experimental, and has reinvented his sound many times with success. I mean: One Foot in the Grave - Mellowgold - Odelay - Midnite Vultures - Sea Change. All vastly different to each other, and all of them sound done well. Oh and he has a great sense of humour. Check out the track 'Satan gave me a Taco'...Absolutely hilarious!
Is Beck the guy that does those like spoken word songs over industrial noises and a single looping guitar and keyboard track?
I think Beck was pretty great up through around Sea Change, but his stuff since then has been really bland. Heard the new one is good but I'm not all juiced about checking it out.