been outta the loop. recommends for a sub 700$ backup fixed bridge?!?


always a n00b
Aug 15, 2008
Saskatchewan Canada
I havent bought a new guitar in a while. Ive got my Ibanez custom, but I have no idea who's making what in terms of qualityh nowadays.

Id like a 24 fret fixed bridge guitar. Not too picky about much else. IT seems every other year they switch "countries" in terms of who is makign the imports.

Im tired of the Ebay scene, ive gotten too many guitars that needed fret work and such, so id prefer to just go to a store, or order something fresh from the factory.

I live in Sk Canada, we dont have many stores, so I dont have too many options to look around!
ESP LTD or Schecter, depending on your tastes I'd say! Schecters to me are Les Pauls in superstrat clothing: big, thick, heavy bodies (and necks :yow: ), all mahogany, whereas ESP LTD is a bit more traditional super-strat; still mahogany bodies on most of 'em, but a bit leaner, and often maple necks. I personally prefer LTD, but they're both the top choices for value!
MEtaltastic.... I see you are an RGA121 guy. I had one a few years back, I modded it with locking tuners, a graphtech nut, and put in a tone zone in the bridge (left neck stock) I freakin loved the way that guitar looked and sounded, but after a short while, my hand would cramp up. Ditto on an RG620x (piezo) and another Ibanez I had owned. The damn wizard neck!!!!

However, the Wizard 2 neck was still ok! I WISH they made that neck thicker. I see Ibanez released a new RGA32 (indonesian) that has a wiz 2. Im debating, mebbe with some mods, that could be a total keeper!?!?!?

But RGA121 withr a thicker neck would be tits!
If you can find something like a new old stock, the old Ibanez SZ's held up reall good. I've got one and I really really like it except for maybe the medium frets, but I got used to those, so....

The neck is quite thicker than the average Ibanez necks.

I'd say, with the right pickups, they're right on par with the LTD's and the Schecters, personally.