Been working on Drum Programming, how fake do these sound?


Jul 23, 2010
16 Work.mp3

yeah it's quiet, it's not mixed by any means.
and yeah what i did here was used Slate EX (Kick 10, snare 10, Maple toms) and the sturgis cymbals, which since i only have kontakt player, i was not able to make kontakt instruments with them so i used the midi in on drumagog for the cymbals

i messed with velocities and humanization cause i really want to make my drums start sounding more realistic.
and this is for my first clients so i want to make a good impression :D

2:00-2:48 is pretty important cause it's alot of little rolls and stuff on the ride bells.

anyways any advice would help, i really want my programmed drums to sound more real.
Rather fake.
Step 1) Don't use Slate drums
Step 2) Put your ride bow in stereo
Step 3) Keep at it.

Omgoodness yeah the ride is pretty centered.
and yea i just got slate drums a few days ago so this is my first time to use them. They really leave me feeling like i just need to upgrade my Kontakt Player to Kontakt 4 because it does a pretty good job with velocities.

but yea thanks i even read that thread in your sig a few days ago, i still need to mess around with Right/Left hand velocities on fills.
To me it sounds like everything is too perfectly in time. Like its all been quantized exactly to the grid.

Also the down beat of the kickdrum doesnt exist, I notice real drummers always put that little bit of extra power into the downbeats.