Carlsberg Pilsner 4,6% 24 ds x 33 cl. <--- 8,05 euro, according to the website, bring me 2 of those, will you Mattias? :D I'll pay you when we see you at the festival :D
René 1 or 2 x24 (Carslberg)
Cello 2x24 (4,6% - Carslberg)
Mattias 1x24 (4,6% - Carslberg or something similar)
Håkan 1x24 (4,6% - Carslberg or something similar)
...and some extra for the rest of the Swedes.
We cannot carry more than one box of Oktoberfest beer, so that makes 24 (I think) x 1 bottle a person.
We better let it rest untill saturday, but then the run at DeBerckt is open. :D
Rene, how many for the staff?
The staff is always in for a beer, but we have 75 volunteers during ProgPower, so I think we better take care of our beer ourselves :-). But count me in for an after party at De Berckt this year, actually I have never been on an after party at De Berckt (shame on me!!).
You'll love it, René :) It's absolute madness :)

In case you missed it in the other thread, this is what happened last year on sunday night at the castle, camera work by Jill and April from Suspyre, guitars by Remco (The Aurora Project), vocals by Atrox, Suspyre and Progpower regulars, percussion by Hakan:

[ame=]La Bamba![/ame]