Beginner metalmix


New Metal Member
May 3, 2012
Hey! I'm a 17 year-old guitarist from Sweden.
I play in a metal band called System Annihilated and we just finished a new song so i thought i'd take a shot at recording/mixing it. I would love to see some feedback on my work! :D

I used Superior drummer 2.0 for the drums.
Recorded the guitars and bass straight into Amplitube by my usb interface.
Vocals was recorded with an sm7.

I would also like some beginner guidelines on what to think about while mixing/recording so i can improve since i think i haven't got a clue about what im doing here, atleast when mixing. :)
The guitars have a lot of low-end and mids that could be cut out, they sound very air-y and impulse-driven. I can't hear any sort of bass guitar at all. The drums are very bland, it sounds like an SD2 preset and not much else. Get a bass guitar in there, do some surgical EQing and work on getting more punch. The mix overall is pretty demo-ish but the potential is there to take it far. Ermz' mixing guide has been recommended 1001 times on this forum and it'll be recommended again here.
Thanks guys, really appreciate the response! Hopefully I will in time learn how to mix correctly. Atleast when you say what errors i have in the mix i understand what you mean, but i have no idea on how to correct them. Will check that guide out and start to learn the basics!