beginner recording metal help


Sep 26, 2008
Perth, Australia
hey guys,

great forum, already found heaps of useful info!

i've been recording basic demos for a while, but i've just started using cubase
and i'm recording demos for my tech death band.

im just curious as to what are some "must have" VST plugins, and/or tricks to use to beef up a mix (specifically guitar i'm using a line6 toneport, fruity loops for drums) specifically compressors, and settings etc

i know this is a pretty broad question but any info will help heaps

thanks dudes
hey guys,

great forum, already found heaps of useful info!

i've been recording basic demos for a while, but i've just started using cubase
and i'm recording demos for my tech death band.

im just curious as to what are some "must have" VST plugins, and/or tricks to use to beef up a mix (specifically guitar i'm using a line6 toneport, fruity loops for drums) specifically compressors, and settings etc

i know this is a pretty broad question but any info will help heaps

thanks dudes

if you have already found "heaps of useful info", then why did you stop there? keep searching... a broad question like that will garner a broad answer....

such as...

Q: "im just curious as to what are some "must have" VST plugins, and/or tricks to use to beef up a mix?"

A: The good ones and the tricks that work.
At this point dude, my genuine honest opinion is that instead of worrying about which plug-ins you should get just because someone else says they're good, you should spend time with EQ and compression. Those are the two most important tools in the whole box when it comes to audio. I don't have any idea what kind of stock plug-ins Cubase has, but if one of the many Cubase users on here can verify that there is a good usable EQ and compressor, then start out with those. At some point down the road once you've gained some more experience, then you might begin to actually see for yourself why buying some different plug-ins might be useful, but in the meantime you should save your money and just work with the basics! To me, you worrying about so called "must-have plug-ins" in many ways is similar to trying to run before you can walk. As for certain settings...there are no presets for anything that will work well every single time, so just use your ears! It just takes time and experience.
Dude......WAVES in IMO "A Must Have" ..expensive ...Here is a link to some Free Plugins
The tips and tricks way is to search here (Sneap's), google etc.....There is tons of stuff out there
thanks dude, i think i am getting a bit ahead of myself, but i've found some sweet free plugins to play with thats already helping me alot.
thanks for the advice, i think i've got alot of reading to do!