OK, so help me with the super budget recording!

Ok I see. I still think that all answers you got here are already answered multiple times on the forum but if you understand one doesn't become an audio engineer within a week that's at least something ;) Yeah the normal search function sucks in pretty much every forum, you should try the custom search because it's awesome. Even if you don't know the techical term just type how you would describe it and most times someone's had the same thought.

About your question above with the Lowpass Filter. Are you talking about a specific element of the mix or the whole mix?
Personally I never made a high-cut (=lowpass) on the mixbus. Sometimes it helps to cut hi-gain guitars at about 11-12 kHz (12000 Hz) so there's a bit less nasty fizz.
When starting out, less is more. Don't worry about fancy EQing and (multi band) compression before you can double track properly, and set up a simple amp - cab track in your DAW.

Once you're able to get a decent starting sound with JUST double tracking, an amp sim and a cab sim, thats the first step. If you do just that properly, it will already sound 100000x better than what you produced with your hacked plugins.

Only then, when you got the best possible sound out of your fingers and the simplest of setups should you start with EQing and Compression plugins (imo).

I spent two years trying to make things sound better by always adding another plugin seeing how that worked out. It really doesn't work that way, you have to get the source and the basics right.

Also, this is a forum mostly for audio professionals and those aspiring to be. A LOT of the stuff here is way beyond beginner. I think you are getting in way over your head if you're going straight for the pro tips and tweaks. I've been lurking/posting here for a few years, and I've only recently begun to get remotely decent sounds out of my gear. Things take time, a lot of reading, understanding, and then experimentation (in that order).

I suggest you read around more, find a few recommended amp sims and cabinet sims/impulses to read up on and try out. Then get whoever is playing the guitar to double track properly. If he can't do that, its game over.
Ok double tracking wise, we were bored and did 90% of it in single takes,, thats why the playings pretty shoddy..

anyway i've got to this now.http://soundcloud.com/skiesofdeceit/work-in-progress

I was away over the weekend so havent been here, but how do you think it sounds atm? I'll try map out the drums properly over the weekend! then give you all another listen.

anything you guys would aim to do to that (the random fuzzy sound after the silent parts was randomly a free compressor plugin making it do it :/..) so thats gone now... im guessing drums will make it sound quite a lot better now.. but im pretty pleased seeming it was recorded in half hour or so :)
