Beheading of the King


New Metal Member
May 19, 2005
Hey all, I'm new to the forums, and have been an avid fan of Amon forever now, and wanted to ask about one of the songs. I just wanted to know a little more on the story described in the song Beheading of the King. It obviously describes it fairly well in the song, but I just wanted to know a little more if any of you happened to know. Thanks \m/
why arent people all over this thread? where are all the historians writing college essays? how come celtik and TheLast didnt enter with what it has to do with protecting the aryan race? why do i care so much?

you guys are slacking.
i got told the whole story by ted, but seriously i cant be fucked going into it hahaah. Something to do with the danes and swedes fighthing, the danes or swedes lost and because the sea was so shallow they fought the battle in the sea. Crazy shit and then one of the countries lost and because they lost the king of the country had to go to back home to his country and cos they lost there country didnt want him anymore so they beheaded the cunt hahah. just remember i didnt really go into detail on this one, so some facts might be wrong cos hey i aint a historian.
It happened in the south of sweden....
A danish King tried to fight back a part of south sweden wich originally belonged to Denmark.

So Danes and Swedes!!!!
Scanians are the people living in the south of Sweden, in Scania or Schonen or Skåne, like Saxons in East Germany. The people who united various countries in South Scandinavia, like Jylland, Skåne, Sjaelland etc came from my fathers part of Skåne, called Göinge, and created Denmark. During the Middle Ages Skåne was many times its own country until reincorporated by Denmark and finally taken by Sweden in the 1600's.
Feraliminal Lycanthropizer said:
why arent people all over this thread? where are all the historians writing college essays? how come celtik and TheLast didnt enter with what it has to do with protecting the aryan race? why do i care so much?

you guys are slacking.

Maybe they couldn't find any relevant webpages to plagiarize this time
Golden Hall said:
Maybe they couldn't find any relevant webpages to plagiarize this time

Cokebullet, what is it you're wanting to know exactly? Cuz there really is nothing new about Danes fighting with anyone Scandihoovian, Swedish or not. There have been some absolutely spectacular battles with all sorts of seakings and even all three of the Norwegian, Danish and Swedish kings duking it out in one battle. You need to be more specific with your question...
Oh yes there were many battles.....
But I don't know much about the most kings of Sweden and Norway.
The song Beheading of a king goes like this:

The Danish fleet had to turn around
They charged King Erik's men
But it was too late to save his son
His life was already spent

Aha King Erik but there were many King Eriks (of sweden) between 1156 and 1568.
Wich of them is meant??
Mhh perhaps Erik X. ??
He fought many battles like the battle of Älgarås, Lena and the battle by Gestilren
And I think he had 3 daughters and one son.
Or is the song about the three crowns war (don't know how to write in english)
Then perhaps Erik XIV. is meant in the song...
He had a mighty fleet but he wasn't a great warlord.
It's difficult so please help me!!!
Yeah, I knew there were plenty of King Eriks, but I just was looking for who the one they sang about was exactly. I'm actually German, but I love to read about my history. In the song they talk about the German horsemen coming to his aid and helping King Erik fend off the Danish fleet.

Weren't the Danes considered Vikings as well? The way I understand it, is that most of Northern Europe were pagan and considered Viking (before the catholic crusades), including Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and small hints of Germany. Who else am I forgetting?
CocaineBullets said:
Weren't the Danes considered Vikings as well? The way I understand it, is that most of Northern Europe were pagan and considered Viking (before the catholic crusades), including Denmark, Norway, Sweden, and small hints of Germany. Who else am I forgetting?

Another misconception. A pagan isn't a viking. Pagan is from latin paganus for countryman, peasant,... all of Europe before christianity started spreading was pagan and remained so for centuries. By being pagan you weren't considered viking. Gauls, celts, germans,.... were considered worshippers of "fasle" idols by the chruch and thus refered to as pagans.
There were no german vikings...perhaps you think of the Teutons ( Germanen ).
Vikings lived in Denmark, Norway and Sweden that's right.
Now we only need the "right" Erik
First of all, the King Eriks you mentioned lived far too late for the time of the song. But I'm pretty sure it was a Scanian king, and I don't really know them. But I'm sure Tyra has an answer for this. As for the term viking, scholars are unsure of its meaning, but belive that it means something like sea raider or sea faerer. The term is generally meant for those northern germanic men who travelled by sea to raid, trade and settle (and party possibly) from north america all the way down to Iraq. So it would'nt really be wrong to apply it to the Angles and Saxons who invaded the british isles. Besides, part of what is now Schleswig - Holstein belonged to Jutland, and it would be curious if the lower Saxons and Friesländer would'nt resort to the same travelling habits as their neghbours only kilometers away.