Behemoth – Evangelion


No rules in metal
Nov 19, 2006
The new coverart sure is crushing my bones:


Preproduction 2009 - [ame][/ame]

I hope for a intense Zos Kia Cultus or Thelema 6 return, but maybe we are up for The Apostasy 2. The only thing that made my nervous was Nergal comment:

"With 'Evangelion' I made sure it doesn’t sound just brutal…songs are more diverse and so are my vocals. There’s definitely more emotions and expression in it. You’ll be surprised!”

I certainly hope Nergal dont use any clean vocals...

So what do people here expect of the new album?
Nice. Art looks good.
I remember at one point on The Apostasy Nergal used some cleans that sounded pretty cool. Singing wouldn't work. He may have meant alternating growls and screams or something, though. I'd like a return to the Demigod vocals, which were really badass.
What you can hear in that video sounds pretty sweet. No vocals, though.
I'm hoping for more atmospheric, epic, brutal, technical death metal.
Art looks cool, aside from the jarring logo color; should've just had it black tbh. I would like the same as Arnez; a return to the passion and conviction found on ZKC and Thelema.6...but likely we won't get that.
Demigod vocals sounded artificial. anyway i love everything theyve done, and trust they will deliver a crushing album.
They are on the small list of bands I plan on seeing when I go down with a few friends to Mayhem fest.
Demigod vocals sounded artificial. anyway i love everything theyve done, and trust they will deliver a crushing album.

The vocals on Demigod practically are artificial. Nergal layered his vocal tracks on that album waaay too much. Despite that, I thought Demigod was pretty good. I didn't like The Apostasy but from what I read in an interview recently, it didn't sound like Nergal was too impressed with it either.
They are on the small list of bands I plan on seeing when I go down with a few friends to Mayhem fest.

You going to0?
Pretty much the entire second stage looks good to me, but then the entire main stage is the shittiest trendy shit.

I thought Demigod was very good. It's difficult to have an album that intense be that long (over 40 minutes) without getting painful, but they more or less pulled it off. Would have been stronger if one or two songs had been removed. I thought Nergal's vocals were great. They're meant to sound "artificial" and inhuman. As the Apostasy demonstrated, normal growls just sound kind of weak when fronting music like that. Also, the songs Conquer All and Slaves Shall Serve were flat-out amazing.

The Apostasy was significantly weaker than Demigod. There was very little evolution between the two albums and so the material was just weaker. Nergal's vocals were good but were a letdown after Demigod. There were some good songs but it wasn't a particularly great album. There were some more atmospheric moments that seemed promising, though.

I don't have ZKC, by the way. What is it like? If it's more in the style of Thelema and Pandemonic Incantations I'm not particularly interested because I felt that style of blackened death metal was dull and uninteresting with the exception of a couple songs.
You going to0?
Pretty much the entire second stage looks good to me, but then the entire main stage is the shittiest trendy shit.
Besides Slayer, right?

Hopefully they will favor the metalheads instead of the scene kids who only heard maybe Raining Blood and a few of their newer songs, and will play mostly older stuff.

I don't mind the clean vocals on The Apostasy and it would eb nice tohear a bit more blackened style come in than just brutal death all the way.

Was planning on getting Demigod soon but might get ZKC first...

looking soooo forward to this one and the new Necrophobic album as well!
Couple comments:

-I think the "cool clean vocals" you're referring to on The Apostasy were Dane (from Nevermore), not Nergal.
-I liked the inhuman effect of the layered vox on Demigod. It's an unusual but cool effect IMO
-ZKC and Thelema.6 definately were definately their highpoint (better than the BM stuff IMO), but I seriously doubt we're going to get a return to that mode of music. The last two albums were pretty good, though, so I'm OK with that.
Nergal's forehead's band's new album's artwork's kicking my ass.
One of their new riffs sounds a little orthodox as well.
But you're right, the riffs sound black metalish, and one indeed reminds of 'orthodox black metal', not death or of eastern influence. Maybe it's a new direction.