Behemoth – Evangelion

Besides Slayer, right?
Why would you say that?

But you're right, the riffs sound black metalish, and one indeed reminds of 'orthodox black metal', not death or of eastern influence. Maybe it's a new direction.
I liked their early black metal stuff, but obviously they wouldn't return to that. It would be cool if black metal took a higher place in their sound, but not like Thelema and Satanica; more like how Belphegor do it.
Couple comments:

-I think the "cool clean vocals" you're referring to on The Apostasy were Dane (from Nevermore), not Nergal.

I was waiting for someone to correct that. Thank you.

Can't wait to see them at Mayhem fest, but I have no real interest in buying the new album. I haven't really enjoyed Behemoth in a while because I overloaded myself on The Apostasy and can only take them a couple songs at a time.
Nergal's natural growl is awesome. i like The Apostasy a lot. it would be cool if Evangelion is a more brutal yet dynamic progression from that... with an epic as fuck (but not overdone) atmosphere and more importantly, riffs that sear into your brain.
Well for me, the main reason why I'm going is to see Slayer live.

You're gonna wait out with all the faggots to see the main stage?
As soon as the second (/good) stage is over, we're leaving. Mansfield = fail and the rest of that concert = fail. Slayer might play a couple good songs, but I seriously doubt they have the fire anymore and it's not worth the faggotry.

Behemoth, by the way, are excellent live. I wish they would tour with Belphegor, so I could try to decide who seemed more badass.
Well I'm gonna try to make it over to the Slayer stage once they start playing.

But I remember hearing from people that Slayer still puts on good shows after all these years.
Your actually the first guy I've seen calling them overrated.

Well you see Negal was hyping apostasy up like it was going to be the greatest album ever and it dissapointed me. I guess he got my hopes up too high in those interviews, almost like a lying salesman, or delusional one. They are a solid lethal force antireligion gimmick imagery machine, it sells so hurray to that,respect. I feel they are capable of more, but i could be wrong.... hopefully the new album is better than the apostasy.:lol:
I thought Demigod was very good. It's difficult to have an album that intense be that long (over 40 minutes) without getting painful, but they more or less pulled it off. Would have been stronger if one or two songs had been removed. I thought Nergal's vocals were great. They're meant to sound "artificial" and inhuman. As the Apostasy demonstrated, normal growls just sound kind of weak when fronting music like that. Also, the songs Conquer All and Slaves Shall Serve were flat-out amazing.

The Apostasy was significantly weaker than Demigod. There was very little evolution between the two albums and so the material was just weaker. Nergal's vocals were good but were a letdown after Demigod. There were some good songs but it wasn't a particularly great album. There were some more atmospheric moments that seemed promising, though.

I agree with this.
Personally I like all post-black Behemoth so I'm really looking forward to the new album. That being said, since ZKC they have pretty much been trying to just re-make the same album but they just can't re-spark the fire. So maybe going in another direction would be nice, to say the least. From what I heard from the video it sounded like a melting pot of Usurper, Nile, and believe it or not Behemoth. So, even though I hope I'm wrong, we probably won't hear much of a change.

EDIT: Album art did look good though

OMFG, Ov Fire and the Void gave me a raging boner!:OMG:

Nergal's voice is powerful as ever and the subtle choir in the background is a nice touch :heh:

edit: check out the fucking GANG VOCALS, sweet shit!:rock:
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All hail dionysus? Behemoth doing drinking songs now?

Anyhow, vocals sound more powerful than on the Apostasy. Music sounds good. This should kick ass.

Other diaries. I have to ask, Omni, why the fuck did you post in this if you dislike Behemoth?