Behemoth meets Bloodbath meets Hatesphere... or something like that


Member of Dude Castle 69
Jun 26, 2007
Kiel, Germany
Because our drummer is bitching about our songs (too melodic, too hardcore, too emo, too 3/4) we wrote a song that's darker this time.

check it out:

drums are AD Drums as usual, guitars are quadtracked with gearbox low bottom (I love that thing) and bass is ... uhm. yeah. it's old and has two strings. it makes noises all the time and is a bitch to get right. :)

me likey teh song ;)

Mix sounds a bit overcompressed, cymbals are ducking. And the guitarsound is tiny, but yeah thats the pod.
The intro is awesome, dude! NOW I like the overall sound a fucking lot..has something unique for me and I hear BASS :) Great songwriting btw. Looking forward to the finished record. Keep me updated, absolutely! POWERFUL!
Eek, not a fan of that kick; I've never liked any from AD, and this is no exception, there's just something strange about the attack, almost like it has some snares on it or something! :erk: ApTrigga time I'd say ;) Snare is WAY too loud in the blast beats, and also too loud in the other parts, though not as badly IMO.

Guitar tone is pretty fucking fearsome dude, I'm impressed! It has a bit too much of the cocked wah sound at around 720 Hz though IMO; I often do like a 3-4 dB cut there on my tracks, and I'd suggest you do the same. However, there's this omnipresent massive rumbling thunder going on that I'm pretty sure is coming from the bass; I'd definitely suggest taming the mud range at around 200 a fair bit, cuz it's pretty overwhelming. Great job overall, and brutal music/great guitar playing! My right hand could never handle all those downbeat-gallops :erk:

Oh man, that tom fill thing near the end, the attack on those seems to suffer from the same weirdness I hear on the kick (or maybe it's just the kick I'm hearing). And yeah, I notice the compression too, though it's not that bad IMO
thanks you took your time! I will try to get rid of that rumbling! I know what you mean about that "attack" in AD but I like it a lot! :) Snare is definately too loud!
good song! the bass drum is annoying on the faster passages though! i see what marcus means about it sounding like there is a snare sample blended. I like the "cocked wah" sound! reminds me of bloodbath, or entombed!
I love this song. It's songs like this that I totally love to listen to everyday.

I really liked the drum tones. I actually liked the kick, and although the snare was a little too loud, it still sounded great.
thanks! these things are a matter of taste. it's still good to know what other people like or not. it will make you experiment and who knows - sometimes you can find something you like more than the stuff you have done. that's why I did an update.

I tried do balance the drums a bit more and make the kick less clicky. I also edited the velocities for the blast beats and lowered the snare a little bit. Now it feels like the guitars are too loud. tried to make them heavier with parallel compression. I also made a cut at 200 hz for the bass but I think the rumble is still there :(

Okay wanted to upload it but my browser fucked it up and I'm too tired to do it again. will upload it tomorrow!
ha! we should swap drummers! he wants to do more melodic stuff..were the rest are pretty much on the same wave as your drummer, lol.

great song, i dig it alot!
Now I listen to it the 10 time..or something. Like it still a lot and it works even without vocals. It would be terrible, if all productions sound the same..this has something special definitively. Marcus said "fearsome"..a good word to describe it.

"I tried do balance the drums a bit more and make the kick less clicky. I also edited the velocities for the blast beats and lowered the snare a little bit. Now it feels like the guitars are too loud. tried to make them heavier with parallel compression. I also made a cut at 200 hz for the bass but I think the rumble is still there". I did a small cut for the guitars around 750hz, too.

I'm not sure I like the old mix more.