
Jun 25, 2004
Don't remember whose into death metal in Old School but I just bought Behemoth's Demigod and just wanted to recommend it... only gripe i have its a short album then normally .. about 41 minutes long... anyone else heard it that isnt from the General Music Forum? :rolleyes:
I post at that forum as well but I will add to this post. This is a fantastic album. It was my introduction to the band and I love it. I am more into older death metal bands like Morbid Angel, Suffocation, Cannibal Corpse, Obituary, etc. Behemoth however is very fresh to me and I find myself liking this alot. The tune "Conquer All" is just amazing and gets me going everytime. I will be seeing them live very soon with Suffocation, Cattle Decapitation, Black Dahlia Murder and a slew of others. Can't wait, im sure they will be the highlite of the night.
Also I wanted to add for those of you who don't know them yet...

I know there are alot of King Diamond fans here. After the Suffocation tour Behemoth will be part of King Diamond's spring US tour (along with Nile and Black Dahlia Murder). Please get there early and check them out. It is very great stuff.
I dont know if Behemoth will be the highlight because im a bigger Black Dahlia Murder fan then Behemoth but the Demigod album is starting to grow on me.. i guess my gripe about it being short is because its a good album and for the price i pay for a CD i at least expect it to be 60 minutes with the exception of Slayer's Reign in Blood album which should not be longer because its a masterpiece at its current length....