Behexen - Rituale Satanum

And your high levels of testitorone that you have is the main reason why most people hate metalheads. Stfu and take some lessons on "how to be a metalhead with a good personality" and enjoy, retard.

You made me took a testosterone test without prior notification? :rolleyes: For your information I don't need to take lessons for good personality, I have that on my own.

[Nooooo! There is still hope. If you convert your life to Jesus Christ then you will be saved and God well willingly take U upon the treasures of heaven. Just keep on praying over n over n over everytime U hear evil music and God will stop caring about the sins you commited, and he'll love you all the more for the prayers, fore the bible says that if you show God that U need him, he'll love you all the more. But still, that doesn't make listening to evil music applicably good to a christian's life and I'd suggest avoiding it.

Look moron, nowhere in the bible does it say that. In fact, God is said to love all people equally and he's known to give special treatment to people who are socially unacceptable. Get your shit straight before coming here and telling people they are going to hell. Talking about the good christian life :lol: If you did live the good christian life you wouldn't have said that we would be going to hell because of this music, that is counterproductive if anything. In other words, Love thy enemies...
Get the fuck out of my thread, Blue Jay.

I checked out Baptism a while ago and that's the right kind of stuff. Now I just need a good place to find their records, preferably Morbid Wings of Sathanas.
i like baptism a lot but they sound nothing like behexen. at all. i did really like their new cd, though: "the grim arts of melancholy"

sometimes i even get the feeling that baptism are a christian band and also they play depressive bm, not orthodox
haha, ok i was reading some of their lyrics and they definately aren't christian. it's worth getting all of their albums, pretty dismal band

there's no way you can be serious when you call sargeist slow and then think baptism sounds like behexen. baptism is slow as fuck

sargeist is pretty much exactly the same as behexen
It's the production, mainly. I don't like the production on Disciple of the Heinous Path. It's got no power to it. If it were produced like By the Blessing of Satan then I would like it a lot.