Behind the music: Anthrax

Okay, okay..............

I'll yousendit tomorrow.

But only on the condition you recognise that I rock! fer doin' it! :loco:
Nobody is seeding it there, I tried to get it years ago and of course even as of now noone is seeding it. But I recorded it to DVD when it came on last time. Also Hangin' With Anthrax on VH1 Classic that kicked ass.
I'd love to see it again. I saw way back the first night it aired on VH1, but I don't recall them ever showing it again. That was the ONLY time I've ever seen it dammit!
Well, unless you count the first go round on the reunion tour, but that doesn't really count does it?!
I've never seen it all the way through. The most I've seen was what they played at the beginning of the reunion tour.
Shit!! I forgot it at home.... I'll bring it in on Monday, I swears it!

It was very good, chronicalled their whole career with the exception of Milano not being mentioned. Seeing interviews with their parents is pretty cool. VH1 always shows repeats of the BTM shows, but never the Anthrax one (figures). Definitely a must have.