Behringer FCA Firewire

Apr 24, 2008
Hi guys,
Friend of mine wants to buy an interface just to connect his ROKIT's at home, to mix at home, and for tracking Bass/Guitar DI's.
He is kinda tight on budget and saw this behringer Interface.
so he basically wants to know if that behringer-thing is OK, or if he should stay away from it cause it'll degenerate the Tone back into the stone age.
If it sucks, you might have some other other budget alternatives (< 150 &#8364;).
thanks in advance.
P.S.: See what a good reputation this forum has, if my own bassist values your Opinion higher than mine :worship:hotjump::loco:
Don't buy Behringer, their stuff usually wears out/breaks/is generally of bad quality

Comparable quality 2 channel interfaces would be the Mbox2, Maudio's fast track pro, and the focusrite saffire 6
Ok that's what i told him too, and i told him that you were going to tell him exactly this. But he was convinced that someone from this board would tell him that it's a good interface.
But thanks for the reply arv.
I'll tell him to get M-Audio cause M-Audio rocks :kickass:
Well my bassist says he can't buy the interfaces arv recommended cause his mac has only 2 USB inputs, which he says he needs for other stuff. And the MBox is too pricey for him.
He now has his eyes on a CME Interface and wants your advice again.
Looks quite good, 192KHz A/D conversion etc.
Drawback is it only has 1 Input. But he rather has only one input than USB.
Thanks in advance again.
I don't know anything about that company or their interfaces, maybe someone else can help you there. The Mbox 2 Mini (not the pro) is still reasonably close to your price range, and if you find one used it will be in the price range. As far as the usb thing, he could get a hub. They're 10 bucks and I'd want to have more than 2 usb ports anyways