Maybe they're gonna stop making crap products next?
Slightly OT, but has anyone heard/played/anything the Bugera Mesa ripoffs?? I own a real Dual Rec, but am super-curious about how accurate their ripoffs are. If they're as good as the Peavey knockoffs, then I would def consider buying one as a backup.
Looks like an XBOX
Slightly OT, but has anyone heard/played/anything the Bugera Mesa ripoffs?? I own a real Dual Rec, but am super-curious about how accurate their ripoffs are. If they're as good as the Peavey knockoffs, then I would def consider buying one as a backup.
I'm looking at both the cost of the 333 and the Tri Rec and going...
Fuck that, buy a used XXX or save another 300 and get a used triple rec.
There is no way these things sound as good as what they are attempting to clone right? I got lucky with my DR and got it for $900 used, but at the time they were going for 1100 used on evil bay. Why the fuck would anyone bother with a Bugera?
This product is currently not available for sale in the United States and Canada pending verification of compliance with applicable technical standards and regulations.
looks like they haven't been certified by the FCC yet.
Thats a ruse. The entire deal is pending investigation. Randall Smith is suing Beheringer. I have this from an inside source at Mesa. See my comments above.
Thats a ruse. The entire deal is pending investigation. Randall Smith is suing Beheringer. I have this from an inside source at Mesa. See my comments above.
I have the answer to all of bugera's problems, just don't cleverly name their products in the same fashion as amps they're cloning... they'll never know!!
I have the answer to all of bugera's problems, just don't cleverly name their products in the same fashion as amps they're cloning... they'll never know!!