Behringer [Hopefully this isn't old news]

Slightly OT, but has anyone heard/played/anything the Bugera Mesa ripoffs?? I own a real Dual Rec, but am super-curious about how accurate their ripoffs are. If they're as good as the Peavey knockoffs, then I would def consider buying one as a backup.
Maybe they're gonna stop making crap products next?

I dunno, atleast the new stuff looks pretty slick compared to the old stuff with the horrible grinded aluminum face.

Slightly OT, but has anyone heard/played/anything the Bugera Mesa ripoffs?? I own a real Dual Rec, but am super-curious about how accurate their ripoffs are. If they're as good as the Peavey knockoffs, then I would def consider buying one as a backup.

I don't think anyone has one yet.
Slightly OT, but has anyone heard/played/anything the Bugera Mesa ripoffs?? I own a real Dual Rec, but am super-curious about how accurate their ripoffs are. If they're as good as the Peavey knockoffs, then I would def consider buying one as a backup.


Noby in the WORLD has cause its a "vapor amp"

(similar to vaporware)
I'm looking at both the cost of the 333 and the Tri Rec and going...

Fuck that, buy a used XXX or save another 300 and get a used triple rec.

There is no way these things sound as good as what they are attempting to clone right? I got lucky with my DR and got it for $900 used, but at the time they were going for 1100 used on evil bay. Why the fuck would anyone bother with a Bugera?

It was the 6260 (the 6505 copy) that sounded a bit crappy, due to lots of crap in the high end.

I shit you not, in Australia a used XXX is still more expensive than a brand new 333 and a used JSX is still more expensive than a new 333XL.
I got my 333XL for about 1/5th of the price of a brand new JSX.
Peavey is only really cheap in the US. Outside of the US it's actually not all that cheap at all.
Hell, I remember a while ago Ermz saying he felt the 333 and 333XL sounded BETTER than the XXX and JSX.
I've got a 333 and a 6260 and i love them both. I only use them at home, so i wasn't too stressed about whether or not they would survive a tour and they both sound great. and for the price here compared to the peaveys it was a no brainer really.

Can't wait to hear a tri rec, if its anywhere near as good as the 333 or the 6260, one will be finding its way into my collection not long after release.
I remember hearing when they where coming out with the mark IV and Triple Recto series clones. I totally forgot about those. I find it funny that it has been this long we heard about them. I got my issue of Guitar Player today and it had the trirec advert in it, made no mention about a release day, and said to check them out at a local Bugera dealer. As far as I have seen, I have not ran into them at the local guitar centers, and since we don't have B&H or SamAsh stores, I don't know of a place to even play one. I would though have to save up some dough for a Mark clone.

EDIT: Just found out why they aren't around the states:

This product is currently not available for sale in the United States and Canada pending verification of compliance with applicable technical standards and regulations.

looks like they haven't been certified by the FCC yet.
Thats a ruse. The entire deal is pending investigation. Randall Smith is suing Beheringer. I have this from an inside source at Mesa. See my comments above.

Either the FCC has put a hold on the certification, or Behringer hasn't applied for the certification yet because Smith was able to file the injunction before they where able to, I am thinking the latter. Looks like they are trying to wait shit out before they do anything stupid. Would make no sense for them to pay for the amps to be FCC Certified if they will eventually not be able to sell them.

Also looks like no one has one because, they aren't out. They started advertising way early and a few months ago only had a prototype model and wasn't to be released until this month, so hopefully soon we might be seeing clips and videos popping up from the EU guys.
Bugera probably should have left it at the Peavey clones and also dropped the 6505/6505+ copy line, and they'd be left with the 333 and 333XL as far as high gain amps go, and they'd be on a totally good thing there.
I have the answer to all of bugera's problems, just don't cleverly name their products in the same fashion as amps they're cloning... they'll never know!!
I have the answer to all of bugera's problems, just don't cleverly name their products in the same fashion as amps they're cloning... they'll never know!!

That is just their deal, the advertise their amps as if they where the amps that they where cloning and they make the amps cosmetically look as close as they can. For example the Mark Series clone their adverts say "...that truly hits the 'MARK'" and the trirec, "...Triple Rectified". Thanks for making it super obvious that you are patent infringing fucking idiots.
bugera as proved by me and many others on this forum sound great period!if you're still convinced they sound like crap well you got problems with earing things
I got an original 5150, I know really how it sounds, even though the 6260 sounds different, it sounds really great
My 333 is great, really great!
Right... but imagine a completely original design from Bugera, if they wanted a decent amp they would have to spend on the R&D which they have been neglecting by just copying proven designs, and this would completely fuck up their business model of providing cheap amps with decent components.