Blonde to the bone
Wow. Sorry to hear about that.
Everything Tered said, first, and second, while you're at it check into the laws about what they can and can't say about you. In my state, to verify employment, we can only give start date, end date, job description, and verify salary if they read it off to us, I believe. That would give you the opportunity to "spin" it in a potential job interview when they ask why you left by throwing their own words back at them, "It really just wasn't working out; the company culture was a bad fit. I'm really looking for something that would [insert positive career goal here]..." If they press it you could say that the ability to work effectively and professionally with other team members when and as required by the position was more important to you than it appeared to be to that management, and you felt that both you and they would be able to find a better match elsewhere.
Everything Tered said, first, and second, while you're at it check into the laws about what they can and can't say about you. In my state, to verify employment, we can only give start date, end date, job description, and verify salary if they read it off to us, I believe. That would give you the opportunity to "spin" it in a potential job interview when they ask why you left by throwing their own words back at them, "It really just wasn't working out; the company culture was a bad fit. I'm really looking for something that would [insert positive career goal here]..." If they press it you could say that the ability to work effectively and professionally with other team members when and as required by the position was more important to you than it appeared to be to that management, and you felt that both you and they would be able to find a better match elsewhere.