Being "let go"

Wow. Sorry to hear about that.

Everything Tered said, first, and second, while you're at it check into the laws about what they can and can't say about you. In my state, to verify employment, we can only give start date, end date, job description, and verify salary if they read it off to us, I believe. That would give you the opportunity to "spin" it in a potential job interview when they ask why you left by throwing their own words back at them, "It really just wasn't working out; the company culture was a bad fit. I'm really looking for something that would [insert positive career goal here]..." If they press it you could say that the ability to work effectively and professionally with other team members when and as required by the position was more important to you than it appeared to be to that management, and you felt that both you and they would be able to find a better match elsewhere.

It's terrible when this happens. I've been in supervisor and manager positions before where this was regular practice. It could be something as simple as someone not liking you, or you fucked up once and weren't able to prove yourself since then.

Chances are that if they've kept you throughout the probationary period up to the date, they were either using you, or people all of a sudden brought up stupid things about you just to have you fired.
Lesa, I noticed that your Myspace page isn't private. Which is fine, but employers DO check that kind of stuff out. Depending on who is looking and what type of work it is, a page such as yours or mine might make us look undesirable. It's a shame, but, just sayin'. :(

True, which is why I never put my real name on any of those sites...

At my current job, every time we look for interns, we check their myspace/facebook....
Ewww, I have my first name on the Myspace page. But I don't know if I set it up for people to find me on it or not. I don't find anything weird about mine though. But then again some people will find just about anything to judge you with.
True, which is why I never put my real name on any of those sites...

At my current job, every time we look for interns, we check their myspace/facebook....
First, they have to prove I have a myspace. I've removed pretty much any reference to the city I live in, education, or jobs. I never used my real name either.
If I were a hiring person, I'd be lenient, honestly. People need a place to vent their true selves. I figure as long as it doesn't look like it'll affect their quality of work, let it slide.
Indeed. I suppose the inherent nature of Myspace usually means a user tacitly agrees to being judged by the things they put on their page, whether or not many realise this now extends to jobs and what not, I don't know.
That is very sad and too god damn true! I go insane when I'm not allowed to just be me.

In that case it is a good thing that employers look at your social networking pages, as by declining to hire you based on the content therein, they prevent you from having to work somewhere you wouldn't be allowed to be yourself.
Or force you to be be too preoccupied with things like not being homeless or doing without food to be yourself, alternatively.
I use a false last name and zip code on Myspace, but still I come up on the first page when you search simply for "Cara." I may as well use my correct zip code then, blah.
In that case it is a good thing that employers look at your social networking pages, as by declining to hire you based on the content therein, they prevent you from having to work somewhere you wouldn't be allowed to be yourself.

Everybody knows you can't be yourself at work! :lol:

Besides, I was referring to Davids post and talking about society in general.
Sooo, I went back to the Human Resources department today, and they answered most of my questions. They said that I wasn't actually "fired," I was "let go during probation without cause" (which is actually what was written on my chart), so that's GOOD news. This won't damage my record at all. :)

They also said that it is legal for them to do this under probation, and I automatically re-applied for all of the positions in the county that were related to my job. Apparently, I also DO apply for unemployment, so I took care of that today. Weird.

And about the myspace thing....I had NO idea they would actually waste their time to find me on there, haha!

Honestly, I find nothing really incriminating about my page... besides the fact that it's pasted with Mothmen and Hellsing photos!

I really don't feel that it's necessary to disguise who I am on myspace, etc. I think it's blatantly obvious after you meet me in person.. but nevertheless, I will consider making my account private once I open a separate art account. I like being able to leave my art open for all viewers, though! :)

Oh, David, I applied for a Corrections Counselor job at the county...err, am I going to regret this??

I noticed that this position came with a $20,000 life insurance policy *laughs*

*loves to all!*
Oh, David, I applied for a Corrections Counselor job at the county...err, am I going to regret this??

I noticed that this position came with a $20,000 life insurance policy *laughs*

*loves to all!*
You'll have guards nearby, and you never sit alone with inmates.
That sucks butt Lesa!
However though an employer never really has to saw why they're firing you. Just that you're being let go. Normally they make up a shit excuse so you can't collect unemployment. No worries... btw where are you getting the apartment at?