
Fifthwinter, the beginning to the song on your myspace Tre'aste i think is very good. After the vocals come in the song spirals into a fit of repetition and it seems like you end the song on with the guitar playing 'question' cadence, sorta unresolved. Maybe the proceeding track picks it up there? It's a live recording so its hard to hear the vocals but I can imagine you guys sound very powerful live! Steve Merry in your band plays the keyboards, is that him playing during the 4:15 breakdown? Post more music and let me know.
Greetings, and thanks for checking out the track and giving some feedback! I can't believe so long has passed since I last visited this forum.

Yep, I'm Steve and that is me on the piano in that 'bridge' of sorts. Why do you ask about that section specifically? (Hope it's not because you think it sucks...)

Yeah, we do think that we have a kind of powerful feeling live - that's been one of the things that people who've seen us have said.

There'll be a host of new songs available soon, as we are recording and releasing a 5 song E.P. in the coming months. We can't wait to promote the crap out of it and get it to as many people as possible!

Anyway, thanks again!
I really enjoyed your song in the most parts. The keyboard added a lot to the heavy parts of the song, which are the ones that I liked the most. The fastest parts, which is kind of a chorus (Can we call that a chorus ? At least, it is played twice in the song) bothered me a bit. I think it should have been more progressive, bringing people into that ambience that you've set up quite well in the beginning. It's my opinion though !! Oh yeah and I think the screams should have been a bit louder, it sounds like you're a mile away from the mic !!

Overall i would give an 8 out of 10 for your song. Real good mix of heavy metal, death, and ambient that worth the listen.
Okay everyone,

The news is that we are about to release our debut CD - "The Frail Tide."

Those few who checked us out all those months ago will, I hope, find the new songs to represent a genuine progression for the band.

The CD itself will be launched in the coming weeks, but for now, three tracks can be heard at the link below:

<A HREF=""><img src=""></A><br><A href=""></A>

Feedback or reviews will be genuinely appreciated.